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Mimoun and the Mormon Missionaries

By Jamal Laoudi

It is 5:30 pm. Mimoun is walking  home from the parking garage, laptop case on his shoulder, hands in his pockets, head down, taking slow steady steps, contemplating and pondering.  While driving back from work, Mimoun had heard on the radio the 17th century Irish author and satirist Jonathan Swift quoted as saying “we have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.”  This quote consumed him and begged questions such as, is it really a question of quantity? What does he mean by “enough”?  Isn’t it a question of interpretation? Mimoun’s thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a voice: “Excuse me sir!”


Mimoun looks up and sees two young men walking towards him.  They are dressed in shirts and ties, and carrying what appears to be a bible. He thinks to himself: “Are they Jehovah witnesses? No, they are Elders, the Mormon missionaries; I really do not have much time on my hands.”


Mimoun” Hi, how are you doing?”


Mormon missionary: “Great thank you. We are from the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-day Saint. Have you heard about our church? Do you know about our book and our history?”


Mimoun: “Yes, I have heard some.  As a matter of fact, I have watched programs on TV about the story and the history of the Mormon Church.  In addition, I do come across some literature occasionally.  Coincidently, I drive sometimes by your Church in this area.  Anytime I see it, I know I am close to home.”


Mimoun noticed that the Mormon missionaries were pleased with that answer so he quickly added smilingly “I mean home in the absolute literal sense just so we are clear.”


Mormon missionary: “We would like to tell you about our book a little bit more”


Mimoun takes a deep breath and interrupts:” Look, I am a man of faith myself and it is not necessarily because of my upbringing.  I have done my research and arrived at my own conclusions so I am not without controversy. There are many others of different faiths who have done the same but drew different conclusions, and that is fine.  The point is to not conform but to critically think.  Skepticism challenges perceived facts and notions.  Only ones that are truths hold.”


Mormon missionary:” Our church encourages people to search for the truth.”


Mimoun:” Let me add that I think that people in general are more conformists then they are skeptics let alone rebels.  That is the basis for my position that that is partly the source of many problems and issues that we experience and face today, be it collectively as communities or individually as persons.  Let us take religion for instance since that is what our encounter is about, what percentage of the masses leaves religion or converts from one born into, to a different one?  Negligible percentage I would argue especially in societies that are closed and where a single religion dominates.

In addition, just about every believer is convinced that his/her religion is the “right” one, or the “actual truth”. This is partly why there are all kinds of feuds between different religions. I take that back, this is partly why there are all kinds of feuds between groups or sects of the same religion let alone groups and sects of different ones.  I am not questioning religion as a concept but human approach to it. “


Mimoun added: “When it comes to religion, I think it is a personal matter; personal because it is about faith first and foremost.  It is tricky because faith can be acquired or taken away but ultimately, the decision is to be made at the personal level; the issue with religion in general I argue is that the questions asked are surface-level.  I think there is a much deeper level of religious inquiries that has barely been touched.”


Mormon missionary: “I see you have given this much thought.”


Mimoun: “How could I not? Being of a minority faith that is not popular, one is constantly barraged with inquiries and often fending off ideological attacks, vicious in nature at time.”


Mimoun added: “Let us take a look at the most known religions; most have many common threads.  They advocate for peace and harmony, neither war nor suffering.  They have much in common in principal but they differ in the details. No surprise there since “the devil is in the details”.   The source of the problem is in the interpretation of the text to a great degree I argue.  That is the definition of details in this context.  The question of text-interpretation is highly contentious thus deadlock is the prevalent outcome. 


Mimoun continued: “Allow me to make one final point.  We keep on hearing about the need for world peace.  Here are some questions to consider:

When was the last time the human race lived in peace?

This is not to say that peace cannot be achieved, on the contrary but we must change our ways. A popular definition of insanity is to do “the same thing over and over and expect a different outcome.”  We need a new approach.

How many wars did religion motivate? How many have died in the name of religion? 

I think there is a huge need for more and more interfaith dialogue.  The religious commonalities provide a good ground and basis to kick-start the dialogue.  One of real faith must understand what that means and should be tolerant of different religions.  Two individuals of two different faiths cling the exact same way but to two different things and so understanding should be automatic but it is not.  Such phenomenon ought to be addressed.”


Mimoun takes yet another deep breath and says: “I am sorry I talked your ear off and gave you no time to speak; please, I am listening.”


Mormon missionary: “I really do not have much to say to you except to recommend that you read our book.  Here is a number that you can call and a copy will be mailed out to you.”


Mimoun takes the brochure, thanks them, and continues walking.  He thought about how they Elders were not pushy and how the negative stereotypes about missionaries in this case are just that, negative stereotypes.  He then makes an abrupt stop and whispers to himself “Where did all this come from?”


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ahmed in la : Ssi Jamal,

I enjoy your writings and Im proud of your extensive work in the community. Im equally impressed by your political savvy to the point of envy; just kidding. I will eco the Moroccan proverb: GHIR; MATEHCED as guidance to my view of the few Moroccans who do not cease to impress me, the number of whom is, thankfully, rising.
I have hope that we could meet one day to discuss the initiation of the Moroccan American lobby and ways to put a Moroccan dent into the U.S. political system. Gringos could sure use some adjustment and some sound advice in civilization maintenance.
Back to your subject, and now that I had kissed up a bit, prepare yourself for the beating.
I have a controversial interpretation to Mimouns interaction with the Young Missionaries, Elders or Youngsters, and Im expressing my own view on the situation, specifically, and at large.
I would not comment on Jonathan Swifts quote nor would I comment on the broadcaster who had publicized his quote or the radio station which champions a pro democracy agenda.
My comment might sound more like my personal position on the subject than it would be fact and it remains my personal opinion and philosophy.
My reaction verses that of Mimoun has varied throughout my adult life and my position changed based on the seasons. Yet, I remain tolerant, pro harmony, equal opportunity and acceptance.
Overall, I have the most respect for the Jesuits in your story as I do for Jewish or Muslim scholars of your garden variety. They are introduced to a way of life, a particular philosophy or teachings, they find some valid points in them, a raison detre, and they sit a course for themselves to spread the message in the bottle. Although the message in my bottle, differs from theres and so does the content!
Whenever I happen to walk in L.As Fairax district, one of many Los Angeles MILLAHS, and I come across a group of orthodox Jews, I make room for them to walk by, just as I do for a group of protestants exiting a church or a couple of bearded Muslims exiting the Mosque. My actions are out of respect for individuals who have adopted a way of life, indicative of personal and collective choice to embrace, supposedly, a counter-materialistic existence. Note how I avoided saying: a moral existence, since the belief and the actions do not always coordinate. My respect, relatively, does also extend to other religious affiliates, beings monks, Jinas, Sikhs, Buddhists, Bahai, Hindus or else.
Now, whenever I encounter Jesuits attempting to hand religious material or engage me in a religious conversation, I make it brief and concise:
I really appreciate what you are doing. I happened to be Muslim, I have yet to fulfill my own religious identity and it is enough for me. God bless you for what you are doing and your dead will not be in vain.
I do not give them the opportunity to add any more, but I allow enough time for myself to observe the moist spark in their eyes, indicating the effect of my address. I always get a smile to go with that, as if it was a sized up combo order to go!
My approach is as sincere as can be and my action are well justified. Regardless of Mimouns opinion of the youngsters, we should recognize the young men and womens sacrifice. Mormon children save up all their lives for the day they will become adults, move out of their parents and guardians homes to roam the land, often far from where they grew up and lived, relying on their savings to survive. I believe that they commit to a two-year long mission and should be viewed with awe. Other Christian missionaries travel even farther, provide the human backbone for world charities and serve non-profits in far off lands helping with medical, economical, infra-structural and social aid and relief in less-fortunate world nations.
Our own American society is often reminded of beneficial actions by donors from all faiths, and Mimouns own radio station must be supported, in part, by endowments of wealthy Jewish, Christian, Muslim and others benefactors, as are many art programs with tremendous emotional and social benefits .
Rather than waste your time, that of Mimoun and the readers in addressing the aspects of our misconceptions about religion, I would rather advocate my own idea of one aspect of religion, one of the many facets of it. Aside from religion being the teachings of the deity or the higher being through numerous messengers and miraculous actions, how about religion as it was adopted by individuals themselves? In that regard, religion, for a surprising number of its affiliates and believers, remains a gang affiliation. An affiliation through which, the instinct of survival plays out on a huge scale.
If the lions of the bush could identify the bond which keeps the groups members together in coordinating the hunt, it would be religion. If members of the wild beast could identify the bond which keeps the herds members united in numbers in the face of lionesss assault, it would be the religion.
Religion justified a respectable number of world wars and conflicts and drove mass extinctions and terrible suffering of human beings. Ideology played a large role too and is often blamed for similar deeds.
What Im getting to, is if Mimoun, who has reached and identifiable level of intellect, still falls in this ideological pit. To add to his wisdom and understanding, that wasting time on such futile effort to argue over religion, philosophy and politics, why not use the time and the effort, wisely, to organize the Moroccan American group which would tell U.S. politicians, their supporters and the world, screw your group, screw your argument; we do not give a rats posterior about your argument. We want you to stop demonizing and destroying our people and our religion and we are holding your behinds, responsible for any negative consequences and actions which are detrimental to our natural and universal right to live and to be, Muslim, Arab, Moroccan, individually or jointly.
I dare to quote their, very own, Theodore Roosevelt:
Speak softly and carry a big stick.
We need to come together in preparing the Big Stick and to stick it to the enemy. The stick is education, awareness, political savvy, union, collaboration, wealth, correctness, lobby, action, and exposure (FDEH) of our enemies.

Peace. (HEGGA!)

jamall : Si Ahmed:
It is always a pleasure to read you. I confess that I embraced myself when I read prepare yourself for the beating but it did never came: ) Furthermore, I read nothing controversial in your comment.

Your take is different or opposite of that of Mimouns with respect to how to approach missionaries and that is fine. I use the term missionaries to encompass all religious foot soldiers.

Let me first say that my point is to get us thinking beyond the comfortable norm and to challenge and examine our precieved notions so we understand ourselves, environment, and world better.

We live in a world with various and even conflicting beliefs. We tend to strictly keep to our contingencies. That is not surprising as that is where our comfort zone lays.

That would have been ok at best if we did not have to deal with each other but we do. Our lives are intertwined. I think that it would be far more beneficial if we all listened to each other. We can agree to disagree but ultimately that will allow us to see each other as groups who can peacefully and harmoniously co-exist. It will permit us to understand and accept our differences. Afterall there is much inherent good in us human beings.
All along and for the most part, groups of different beliefs have been keeping to themselves and look where that got us.

As you are well aware, it is very fashionable nowadays to bash Muslims and Islam. As Muslims, I think it is our duty to promote our faith and do our parts to correct its distorted image if only by exhibiting tolerance towards other beliefs. We cannot let a minority define a majority.

Religion is supposed to help us live better not make our lives difficult. Whether that is the case or not depends on how one decides to use it. There is a huge need for much more interfaith dialogue, wallah yetabtna 3la shhada-

On a different note, I will be in LA July 16th insha lah and would love to get together.
Shoot me an email

With respect to organizing our community, I think it will happen when all the right pieces fall into place. It is just a matter of time

Lah M3ak-
who am I? : I have been in Mimoun's shoes only more than a thousand times...

Mimoun is confused.
Mimoun is self-conscious.
Mimoun thinks he understands the true differences between today's interpretations of the Abrahamic religions.
Mimoun believes his religion is the one and only right one, and no missionary will ever be able to convince him of otherwise.
Mimoun struggles in his own mind to reconcile East and West.
Mimoun is angry some days because he feels belittled, intimidated, discriminated against.
On other days, Mimoun is glad he's not part of his own culture anymore. He even realizes that he's smarter than people on both sides.
Mimoun feels he's lucky.
Mimoun - although feeling lonly in his world of thoughts, is truly part of the lucky few that have the portential to become tomorrow's elite that understands all sides.
If Mimoun can harness his knowledge and experience, and unite with all the "Mimouns" out there...
Mimoun can make a big difference in this world...

Ahmed...Hope your decision to move back to lbled is working for you. I would love to hear the story of your journey back when you're ready to tell it.

Peace V.
rabati30 : I congratulate you Mr Jamal for this wonderful story and i congratulate you even more for being a person who knows his faith and knows its value. un fortunatly most of us take our beloved deen for granted.but we only realize how magnificent and precious Islam is until we live abroad and see with our own eyes how non Muslim societies live and how they look at us .especially now that Islamophobia has become norm and that our religion has been hijacked repeatedly for the satisfaction of our enemies .

Salam alikum wa rahmatu Allah wa barakatuhu.
ahmed in la : Arizona s politicians are brave Americans who had enough of the political correctness excuse.
13 states are considering adopting immigration measures similar to Arizona.
50% of California state population is Hispanic.
20% of U.S. population is Hispanic.
59% Americans agree with Arizona.
L.A. s Mayor is Hispanic.
Majority of L.A. s city council members are Hispanic or Jewish.
Majority of the U.S. Congress and senate representatives are Hispanic or Jewish.
Sota Mayor, the last addition to the Supreme Court is Hispanic.
A large number of Judges, supervising Judges and Appeal court Judges are Jewish.
The first cabinet member to be appointed by Obama is Jewish, from Israeli parents and had served in the Israeli army.
Dumb, corrupt, hypocrite, fake, opportunistic politicians and system members are condemning Arizona.
No one has been deported as a consequence of the Arizona law and yet, 41% of Americans refrain from supporting the implementation of federal law and all cry baby politicians are weeping and crying legal wolf.
Has the 41% Americans and the hypocrite politicians act in the same manner when 20,000 Middle-Easterners were put on deportation lists and many were, indeed, deported?
Have these hypocrites objected to removing veils of Muslim women at airport security points and patting them down?
Have they voiced their objection to the misfortunes of Muslims worldwide?
Have they condemned Israel s human rights abuses?
Have they recalled politicians who continue to hand out $3 billion in yearly aid to Israel among other financial, economical, moral and political support which continue to fuel a conflict, detrimental to humanity?
Do you see what I see?
I hate beating up on people I like, but the rhetoric of harmony, co-existence, dialogue, peace and all that jazz is so old. No one will respect or consider your rights if you are not on part with their power and might. Who in his right mind negotiates with an inferior foe? LMESH does not need to negotiate with LFAR, which tail it is about to shop!
Didn t the U.S. destroy Afghanistan and Iraq before it decided to start negotiations with the Taliban?
Didn t the U.S. consider the destruction of Syria and Iran until Iran warned the U.S. and Israel:
It fired a couple of ballistic missiles to drive the message to the common capital of both America and Israel, ex-TALL ABIB.
Didn t Taliban mount an honorable resistance to their enemy to the point that they are considered for membership positions in an Afghan future government?
No matter how matter I hammer the idea of gang affiliation, it would be hard to convince people that religion remains, as I had said previously, among its many facets, a cause commune for a particular group to act its assault on others. How would you explain four different U.S. immigration amnesties benefiting Coptic Christian Egyptians, Lebanese and Syrians, Jewish Russians, Armenians and Catholic Philippinos?
Wouldn t we recognize that a criminal psychotic bush was elected by a Christian majority?
Wouldn t you agree that a well educated and well qualified American, running for presidency of the U.S., refrains from using the middle name Hussein from his name and had ordered the removal of a scarf-bearing woman from his entourage once, to avoid upsetting anti-Muslim groups?
Are we going to ignore the political rhetoric by anti-Muslim politicians who continue to demonize us, degrade us and deny us opportunity?
Why would we just break down and admit that we have lost the fight and, like millions victimized by the system, that we will lie down and let be had?
Are we, under the pretext of American citizenship and our allegiance, going to turn our face to the truth, righteousness, humanity, the hype of democracy and correctness?
We do not have the power to negotiate and we happen to be an overpowered minority in a, predominately, Judeo-Christian culture. That they have their faith and we have ours does not necessarily mean they will let us live and be. Read them your Gospel, Book of Psalms or ZZABOUR all you want; they have yet to read it themselves. They are not in it for religious reasons. They are in it for plain and simple survival. We should be in it for the same reason. Until we identify this objective, we will be wasting valuable time and opportunity running behind a mirage. How ironic that we identified the phenomena and we fail to learn from its wisdom.
To be objective, although, I would recognize that Morocco and Algeria are becoming among countries with the highest number of Diversity Visa allocations; the number hovers around 5000 individual visas for each.
Yet, my nationality, my citizenship, my faith, my ethnicity and my identity are all different from each other and I will fight for justice, equality and fairness on their common denominator; my human identity.

Latest news:
The Moroccan American Political Action Committee will hold its exploratory meeting in Los Angeles in July.

Who am I?
I cannot find a tractor cheap enough. OULED MMINA does not want to sell his lot, but agreed to share access to both our lands.
MENSOUR is fine with the access arrangement; his land is not for sale either.
NSIB SEMHEMMED got the message that I m not changing my mind about living among them in DDOUAR.
An agricultural equipment business would be a good idea.
Beating Les Immigres to some cheap agricultural lots before their migratory return in the summer; priceless!

Peace 2.
ahmed in la : Correction, line 8th of my comment:
Majority of the U.S. Congress and senate representatives are Hispanic or Jewish.
I meant to identify the ones from California.
And I correct myself on line 10. I meant to say that a large number of Judges in Los Angeles County are Jewish.
The following link and lists prove the point. Only Darell Issa, the Congress Rep from Southern California is of an Arab heritage. The overwhelming number of elected officials, government employees, politicians, lobbyists and special interest advocates are working against our interest and our right to live in happiness and prosperity in this country and out of it.
Please do not fool yourselves!

California Congress Representative list:

California State Senate:
Aanestad, Sam
Alquist, Elaine
Ashburn, Roy
Calderon, Ron
Cedillo, Gilbert
Cogdill, Dave
Corbett, Ellen
Correa, Lou
Cox, Dave
Denham, Jeff
DeSaulnier, Mark
Ducheny, Denise Moreno
Dutton, Robert D.
Florez, Dean
Hancock, Loni
Harman, Tom
Hollingsworth, Dennis
Huff, Bob
Kehoe, Christine
Leno, Mark
Liu, Carol
Lowenthal, Alan S.
Negrete McLeod, Gloria
Oropeza, Jenny
Padilla, Alex
Pavley, Fran
Price, Curren
Romero, Gloria
Runner, George
Simitian, Joe
Steinberg, Darrell
Strickland, Tony
Walters, Mimi
Wiggins, Patricia
Wolk, Lois
Wright, Roderick
Wyland, Mark
Yee, Leland

California State senators:
Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstine.

Los Angeles City Council Members:

jamall : Ahmed:
I am not sure what you are arguing or counter-arguing. There is much that I take issue with in your post but unless context is clear, it is difficult to respond with enough coherence-

ahmed in la : HKAY Jamal,

Here is some coherent talk.
I had acquired two lots after my separation from my first wife and put them in a trust for my daughter so she could have some tangible property. They were located in a rural area nestled in the Los Angeles National forest. The area is Green Valley. On trial day, while I was in the hospital, Commissioner Friedenthal, a Los Angeles Jewish judge, ordered that I give them to my ex along with $50,000 in cash and $1400 in monthly support without a specific end date!
I appealed to the 2nd District Appellate Court. In the mean time, my ex took me to court to pressure me to deed them to her. Judge Shaller from Division 67 ordered that I deed them to her within a week and that I come back to court on a following date. He ordered that I pay $1500 to her attorney for the appearance in question and that if I would not sign the deeds, that I would be penalized $5800!
On the subsequent date, I retained an attorney, I paid him $1000 and we went to argue the fact that the lots should not be deeded because they were acquired after separation! Judge Shaller ordered the lots out of my trust (remember the one benefiting my daughter), ordered that I pay $5800 in court fines and ordered that the court clerk to sign the deeds on my behalf!
On the specific date when the lands would be signed to my ex, a court appearance was necessary!
I showed up to division 67 to do some more arguing and I was told that the Judge was off and the court room was dark. I felt a relief since I was gaining some more time, hoping that by than, the court of appeal would hurry and render a ruling which would reverse some or all of the unjust prior rulings.
I later found out that my exs attorney had appeared in Division 67, discovered that the Shaller was off and sought the supervising Judge. Supervising Judge Steinberg did than, in my absence, an order for the clerk to sign, he did and my ex went on her marry way to record her new acquisitions.
For your info, the lands must have been worth about $70,000!
Now remember Friedenthal? He had taken over after Commissioner Robert Zakon had retired, the one who had given my ex full legal and physical custody of our child in 2005.
5 years and much litigation later, Judge Zekler gave my ex permanent custody of our only child and for me to see her one hour per week in a therapeutic setting only!
And remember the Appeal to the 2nd Appellate court? Guess who are the judges who were setting in on it, most or all four of them? And remember further appeal to the State Supreme Court?
I lost both of them.
So, coherent talk my brother, is that if Obama is using one of the very few powers at his disposal and he wants that the a 3d Jewish person be appointed to a permanent seat in the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, to join the others and six catholic judges, think of where that would leave other minorities?
Jewish people constitute 1.2 percent of the population and control another U.S. president and a third of the U.S. Supreme Court; we should not be concerned at all!
And why would catholic occupy two thirds of the Supreme Court seats when the only constitute about 15% of the U.S. population?
I can only recall the humorous German like expression: VER SHCRUUWED!
And guess what my brother, do not try arguing anything with the Appellate or Supreme Courts; they have the beautiful determination to either consider hearing or reviewing your case or not, with or without a reason or explanation. Save your harmony, dialogue, peace and co-existence spiel for blogs and talking heads sites and let all of us keep that out of real life.
I hope that by the time I see you in July, you would have gotten it right; the agenda, that is.
Muslim by the grace of the all mighty; what a bless.
jamall : Si Ahmed:
I am very sorry to hear about your ordeal and I hope things work out for you.

If I understand you correctly, the interfaith talk is useless. Does that cover it?
Plz explain otherwise.

If you permit:
What is your ex-wife�s faith?
Are you suggesting that the fact that you are a Muslim has to do with the ruling of the court?
Feel free to skip the above two questions if they get in the way�

Some facts:
- First Catholic justice: Roger B. Taney, 1836 some 60 years after independence-
- First Jewish justice: Louis Brandeis - 1916 or so, some 140 years after independence-
- No Jewish was ever a US president and only one Catholic, JF Kennedy.

Now, can you imagine the response to a nomination of a Muslim to the US Supreme Court today?
I think that the first step to begin to think of accepting the notion of a Muslim Supreme Court Justice or President is to fix Islam�s image in the states. Interfaith dialogue is an integral part of that process I argue. Religion is very important in the US as is understanding of the system and playing with the rules, among other things and I am aware you know that-

I should add that I am with you that there is a need for more focus on getting aggressively involved in the political process as a whole.
If you want to take this discussion off to a different setting, shoot me an email -

Again, sorry to hear that things are not going for you as well as you would have hoped. Stay positive and optimistic.

My 2 cents-

god1lah : This Mimoun guy said he was in a hurry. I wonder how long would his conversation be if he had plenty of time. Dude,let them go. Mimoun nedemhom 3lash 7ebsou yhedrou m3ah...ma3emerhoum y3awdo ye7ebsou shi Meroki 7it 7naya fina bezzaff diyal shafawi ou l9ernoubi. Me personally i find this article boring because its the same topic over and over and over. We dont have to prove anything to anyone, please guys write about something more interesting and new . People of other religions are conquering space and searching for other lives out there and we are still trying to establish who we are. Lah ydina f do:)))))
sueRabat : Salamu alayckom,
I notice wafin now shoving up christian message down our throats, disgusting really. It is a shame to try to imitate those who failed their own people. Why do missionaries neglect to preach to all the deviants in their own community, instead they chase us Muslims on Eid Adha and on the corners by our massjid? I told a lady once, why don't you go preach by the entrances of the gay bars, the strip clubs and to the Chicago corrupt officials???? We know what the church goers in the USA think about Islam, but worse, the moroccan agnostics, Get an education, Moroccans will remain Muslims, and in fact islamic revival is on the rise, like it or not, no one in their right mind will follow a religion that asks you to worship a man named jesus. Al hamdulilah, always Allahu Akbar, Read the Coran and you will find the truth, but as long as one is ignorant, one never will find truth about the creator.
Salamu Alaykom Muslims.
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