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You are more Moroccan American than American Moroccan if:

By The Wafin Team
fancybox/source/helpers/js/css/js/jquery.reveal.js 10- When you drop bread, you kiss it before you return it to the table.

9- On your table, instead of having salt and pepper, you have salt and

8- You catch yourself negotiating the price with the cashier at Walmart

7- You still refer to “Europe” as “el kharij”

6- When invited for dinner, you often find yourself counting the number of
table cloths in an attempt to determine how many entrees will be served.

5- You stop after the red light and wait for the cars behind you to honk to
signal that it’s green.

4- You take l’kiss to your Gym’s steam room

3- You have tried at least once to buy only two eggs from the supermarket

2- Instead of picking a time, you still tell your friends that you will see
them after l’maghreb.

1- When you eat, you leave meat to the very end.

Feel free to add to the list.

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zazette : You are hospitable and when invited you say thank you before you leave. And you do not stuff up on food just because it is free.

You clap your hands when you arrive to destination with la RAM.

You pour water in the palm of your hand to rinse your mouth instead of using a glass

You come late to appointments.

You think that speaking a foreign language with Moroccans in Morocco makes you look smart

You feel threatened by successful women

You avoid Moroccans

middleoftheroad : Avoiding Moroccans is a big Moroccan thing.

- You think that A Moroccan Financier, doctor, any professional cannot be better than his American colleague. (L7egra)

- When you meet other Moroccans you become too polite that it becomes awkward.

- When you talk to Arabs of the east, you tend to speak Egyptian instead of English.

- You think that Morocco is the worse country in every aspect and that the rich are thieves and the poor are oppressed and government is there for nothing without coming up with real proofs. : 1. You're Moroccan when you teach your kids to say "bismillah" before they start their meal and "alhamdulillah" when they're done.

2. Your neighbor is cold towards you and you keep engaging them politely until you turn them around.

3. You always think how your actions affect others and you choose your words carefully so as not to hurt others' feelings.

4. You show respect for your elders.

6. Value hard work.

5. You help others when you know they need it but are too proud to ask for it. You do not expect anything in return.

5. You are very hospitable and when you invite friends or family over, you make sure they have a memorable time.

6. You are fully aware of your heritage and are proud to be Moroccan among friends or foes, Moroccans or otherwise.

Not really hard to do. Practice daily and it becomes a habit. Our forefathers did it. Why can't we? Self bashing can become a self fulfilling prophecy just as self worth can.
chmikir : -When you go to Mc donlad your get extra napkins more that you need in order to use them in your house.
- If you stay in a hotel room you pick up the little botle of shampoo and soap before you check it because you think that you already pay before.
Cervantes : ,
Llah yerdi 3lik a Khai!!
Hakda Kay kounou wlad e-nnass.
I am proud of you and I am proud to hear that the likes of you still exist.
Llah y 3awnek wi 3awena jmi3!!
Your kind, is a breath of fresh air in the midst of this “el-qawm” el me3miyen.
Llah yerham waldik li rabbawak!!
abouseif : you scream at the people next door to you when they knock at your door at midnight to ask you nicely to keep it down
elbacha : You still think that the garment district has the best fabrics for a Moroccan caftan.

You ask a friend to take a heavy suitcase to Morocco. You offer to pay for it, but you still don't.

You come a half-hour late to a meeting and don't even apologize.

You still think that talking behind someone's back is a way of life.

You still think that your relatives envy your success in the U.S when they're actually better off in Morocco.

And the list is very long...Cheers.
america120 : if you feel obligated to take your kids to the mosque on sunday and put a hijab on your minor daughter.
if you do not tell your wife ,husband ,how much money you have saved.if you do not take a heavy life insurance on your spouse.if you are not a fatso and wear suits with sneakers . If your parents in law spend the night at the hotel after a visit .If you are not in debt up your behind.If sometimes you think ,your parents belong in a nursing home with Bertha .
ajrida : That we say all these things(above) about ourselves, yet we don't admit that we suffer from inferiority complex.
It is just wrong to think that the other "American or European" is better than you and that you are doing everything wrong and the other is doing everything right. This way of thinking is just dead wrong.
We don't burp or fart in front of people out of respect; Whereas Americans do :)
her_ca : * if you check wafin website more than once a day ;)

* if you address every elederly person by EL HAJJ or EL HAJJA regardless if they've performed Hajj or not!

* if you're very generous and welcoming towards your guests

* if you think that except for your mom and sister, almost every moroccan girl is BaaaD ;)

* if you almost flew of joy when you got your visa/green card to the US

* if you work your behind off all day to make $$$ and fancy brand name clothes to spend to your siblings in Moroko

* if you hate la RAM (haha ;)

* if you still put in your resume that you're fluent in French while the truth is you've forgotten most of it since moving to the US :(

* if you miss el 7amaam SO MUCH

* but mostly, if you have a big heart and friendly attitute towards everyone

merrih1 : Every word that each one of you wrote is nothing but a reflection of who you are. People who added positive things to the discussion generally have a positive outlook on life in general (and that includes Morocco and Moroccans), are most likely successful and at peace with the world and with who they are, and thank God there are still folks like you around. On the other hand, anything negative, disrespectful, disgusting, or just silly is a manifestation and a mirror-image of who you are.....
Peace and Love
M. Ph.D.
kawkaw : merrih,

You took the words from me, that is exactly what I wanted to say....well said...


Long time not talking to you, hope you and the family are ok. I think you missed that we go to mosque on Friday and yes a girl at puberty age should wear a scarf when inside the mosque ....I have been appointed minister of religious affair of wafin so It's my duty to correct some religious concepts:)
not24get : awellah ila baqi lmgharba hna resident depuis longtemps qui vivent et actent b7al ila mazal fswiiqa matbadlou mawalou. baqa lmentalite hiya hiya..."the moroccan seal". i once got in the plane bound to the US from casablanca, saw a moroccan guy who's been living in Pennsylvania for yeaaaars sitting in my seat, i asked him very politeley to free my seat, he looked at me bla 7echma bla 7ya, and said" b7al b7al!!" i smiled and firmly said "NO" quite and simple. i should have said, get the f#@% out of my seat. that's why i avoid la RAM like plague....among other reasons. slawi in the midwest.
prince@ : If you work hard and help your family back home
If you think you can have better ideas than the national football coach, or the politician, or the teacher, or, or,or Mr. Mrs know it all :)
If you critique everything without coming up with a solution
If you want to get to know your neighbor
If you have a “Jalba” sign on the side of your upper arm
If you talk about starting a business none stop without actually starting one
If the idea of going back home for good is in your mind
If you answer someone that Moroccan is a mixed of Arabic and French
If you like couscous and/or Tajin
If you still find time to sit on a coffee shop, put ur keys, cellphone and/or Marlboro light on the table HAHA
And I have to say this again, if you hate la RAM, com on la RAM do something about it
al3ajab1 : I don't think most of the negative comments are funny, even some of them are somewhat true, but I'd like to add a story! When I first moved up to NYC from Florida for school, I worked at a Deli making sandwiches, at the end of the day, I was supposed to throw all the bread left, but instead of throwing the whole thing out, I would take piece by piece out of the bag, and kiss it before throwing it in the bin :-) lol I am talking about a little over 30 pieces of bread, I don't do that anymore, but it doesn't mean that makes me more of an American Moroccan than Moroccan American or vice versa, you are who you are, we just happen to submit to the environment where we are, no matter how much we could resist, it's only a matter of time!
furniture2k : When still believe al3afia is the fire.
when you prefer tea over coffee.
when you fast Ramadan and don t pray.
when you still watch 2M.
When still dream about having salon maghribi in America.
When you still memorize the national anthem ( manbita al ahrar ....Allah alwatan..
knyc2k : I have read most of the comments and found them pretty nostalgic, entertaining, and amusing (some of the readers have a good sense of humor)

The bottom line is whether you are Moroccan American or American Moroccan, you are simply Moroccan! Be proud of your heritage and maintain your values and principles, regardless of what environment you live in right now. We have excellent values, customs, and traditions as an ethnic group and should maintain and preserve them for the generations to come.

God bless you all!
Shining star : Salam wafiners,

You are more Moroccan than American when:

- You help your fellow Moroccans who first come to this country.
-You inspire Moroccans living here to shoot for the stars and never settle for less than what they deserve be it in education, career, and relationships
- You love your fellow Moroccan brothers and sisters living in the US. And you wish the best for them and not to be jaleous of what they have.
- You mind your business instead of getting into others' businesses.
- You don't back bite and talk trash about Moroccans.
- You don't talk trash about Morocco the country we all love.
- You offer concrete innovative solutions to the challenges faced by Morocco instead of criticizing for the sake of criticism.
- If someone treats you bad, you don't come down to his or her low level. You treat him good no matter what because that's what our religion teaches us to do.
- When you debate issues in, you don't put down people or question their intelligence. Plus, you respect everyone's opinion no matter how illogic it may seems. Every Moroccan living in the US counts. And his or her opinion counts as well.
- You don't talk trash about Moroccan girls living in the US. Moroccan women living in the US are the best. They just can't trust Moroccan guys anymore. I am not saying that all Moroccan guys living here are bad or anything like. All I am saying that some of them are bad and because of that women have lost trust in Moroccan men in general. Period.
-You come with innovative solutions to the challenges faced by the Moroccan community living in the US instead of just talking. Walk the walk instead of talk the talk.

And the list goes on and on.

God bless you all wafiners,

Peace out,
aalami : I have the best one and I dare any other Moroccan to chanllenge me and come with a better one.

****You are more Moroccan-American than the opposite when you are about to buy something in Dollars and stil do the math in your head how much it will cost in R'YAL. HAhahaha

Ok and I have another easy one: when you stil can't pour Hot water only through the sink hole la Y'drabak chi jan!!!
ajrida : that you sign on with a Phd in a forum and you don't even have a GED :).

prince727 : salam all : u r m a then a m if
when u reached some one by phone and u start conversation with "ca va" .
2) some one upset u or u getten a fight with ur boss or co worker u call he or she el hmare_ra bel maghribia hehehe
3)u inviting a american friends to come with u to morocco but on heart U R NOTTTTTT .
4) u r at cafe shop u r steering evry hot chic passed front of u.. marda w safi hehe peaceeeeeeeee salam all
karachi : Well done aalami!
I love this thread but I have a good one...

You are seriously still Moroccan if on your last trip back from Morocco, you were caught trying to smuggle "Sheebah" for your cousin Ahmed in NYC :)

princessa82 : Good one @AALAMI

Although some of these comments are negative; I am really enjoying this thread! Very nostalgic and "light"

You are def + Moroccan American when your suitcase to Morocco is only 10% your clothes ;)
sueRabat : Zacky2@aol & Shining Star, than kyou very much, while reading the article, which only reflects the writer's pessimism and absurd stereotypes, I was thinking of writing exactly what you wrote...... So I say thank you, barakallaho feekom.
I believe people do not express their idea, theyrather disclose their limited biased experiences ..... Since I left Morocco 30 years ago, I discovered, we are one country with many cultures, languages and attitudes... So those who seem to only have recollections of negative attributes, are only showing us what their own background is..... So Mr writer, forgive me, but we did not all grow up socializing with those types of people, or at least the kind you described in the article, Morocco has now 40 million people, (including the 5 million immigrants)and we are hardly comparable, we are not potatoes, and even potatoes have different tastes smell and shapes. Thank you & Salamo alaikom.
hanafi : when a woman asked about your mom name you still thinking about sehr
when woman called you still asking your friend tell her I am not home
when dating woman you still laying to her I want to marry you but what you want just to have sex her
are an american or moroccan
amerimo : Thank u shining star , Agreed ...
hanafi : thanks shining stars
do not be proud in front of others arabs about dating this and.... with this they are taking it against you and it's shame to be proud of doing haram unfortunately many a men do
prince727 : salam all.
to shining star . R U FROM CASA ? by the way . i just setup an appt with dr phil show and tel ur stories about moroccan guys dont forget pics.
lah a chafik a half star...
Shining star : To prince 727 and to any wafiner here,

I am sorry if what I wrote offended anyone. I did not mean to offend anyone because it's not in my nature to do so. Plus, I never lower myself to that low level of offending anyone. And to u prince 727 I really appologize if my comment offended u. I am sorry. Please accept my appology. I did not mean to offend u. Islam teaches me not to return your insult with an insult. I forgive u assi prince 727. And may Allah forgive u in the day of judgment.

May God bless all wafiners,

elmajed : Hi All,

Moroccan-American more than A-M is the one who still "Kay Ghaf Ma Ya'hchim".

Karach: I like the one you stated above, but I'll make sure Ahmed you mentioned above is not aware of what you said about him. Wafin a Ouled El Joulane!!!



karachi : Thanks elmajed...
There is actually no uncle Ahmed, just a joke!
I assume you are ouled Aljoulane as well?

Wafine13 : Most lists are hilarious, some are just flat out silly!!! One in particular states that: you are a Moroccan American if you are threatened by successful women. This doesn't make any sense!!! As if Moroccan American only pertains to MEN!!!! The person who listed this is obviously a woman who has a bad experience with Moroccan men or sexist... I know many Moroccans who are happily living with and undeniably support their female counterparts and not threatened by their success, in fact they embrace it......u need to grow up and if men are threatened by your success, than it's their problem...

You are a Moroccan American and not a Moroccan American if: when you have a cookout, your hamburgers are mixed with paprika, cumin and parsley, and u definitely put on a few slices of MERGAZ!!!!!! YUMMMYYYY!!!!
fatima74 : You know you are more MA than AM when you call all yogurts "danon" or if you call all detergents "tide" and whenever you got to morocco you HAVE to bring back ghasoul ou sabon lbeldi
amir : adam. you are moroccan if you forgot you are one when you are happy to have come this far in yourlife and hope to make your mark in this country ,be willing to work as hard as you can to be able to help others or your familly .you are a lucky moroccan to be here and now you are here do something positif learn and listen more.suround yourself with positive people .you are moroccan if you cook tagine at least once a week or two/
kayll2000nj : when you kick your sister's butt and her boyfriend instead of introducing yourself to the looser...
sueRabat : Moroccans should go get at least a Bachelor degree level education, Study some psychology, Islam, history and read at least a book per month. & plz try to mix with at least 5 others cultures on a deeper level. Some of the comments are great, but some other comments only show severe ignorance, comparable if not greater than that of the writer. Dangerous to generalize.
kayll2000nj : u r more M A than A M
1-when you have no sense of hummer and u keep criticizing other poeple's comments on what s supposed to be sarcastic artical ...
2-and you so arrogant that u keep giving advises that you need to apply to yourself first....
itto : You are MA when someone knocks on your door and the first thing that comes out of your mouth is "SHKOOOOOOONNN????"
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