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Educating Moroccan prostitutes

By The Wafin Team
js/js/images/fancybox/lib/jquery-1.10.2.min.js We received this short video from a wafiner that wanted us to post it and open up the topic of prostitution in Morocco. This is a topic that was discussed on this platform and in the forum before. The video brings a different approach to the issue, that of educating prostitutes about Sexually transmitted diseases.

Let us know what you think. And please keep it clean.

Uploaded by Nassalim. - Up-to-the minute news videos.

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her_ca : It is very unfortunate that these ladies have to sell themselves and their dignity to make a living. However, it was their choice, there are many hard working ladies in Morocco that manage to support themselves and their families by doing low paying but "halal" jobs such as working in houses, selling food, working in "Hmams"...they might not make a lot of money, but at least they're keeping their dignity.
I also, wish that instead of giving them a workshop on "how to use protection", they could've giving them a workshop on how to quit prostitution and teach them some skills to do decent jobs.
Lahwla wala 9owata ila biLaah
Cervantes : I am really disappointed in the Wafin team’s sense of judgment and responsibility for posting this video on this forum. It is one thing to discuss the subject of prostitution and the relevance of sexually transmitted diseases and it’s another to post such vulgar act coming from a woman wearing “Al Hijab”. I am sure that she is someone’s daughter, mother, wife, and sister and it is very tasteless and irresponsible to put her up in this situation. This video appears to have been filmed in secrecy and not with the consensus of the actor. I am pretty sure that she was under the impression that she was among women only and was in fact doing an act of education. I don’t think that she appreciates being put on the web for ever.
For those responsible, think about your female relatives being put in this situation. How would you feel??

Aylana : For prostitutes working in the conditions most of them do, sex education should be a must. I am very much for it. It is a health issue. I think it is important for them to understand the basics of health hazards their jobs carry to themselves and to others.

I believe prostitution should be legal. If legal, prostitutes can have physicals on a regular basis and lower the STD cases and many other problems that affect society in regards to prostitution.

They could go to the authorities should they be abused or attacked.I ask myself if prostitutes are criminals or victims, and I always conclude most of them are victims. If they could be unionized/organized they could have better support in their jobs. For been a low skill job, they do make decent money that allow them to pay union dues and other services to protect them.

Without a doubt, I think there should be education for prostitutes, not just for prostitutes but for everyone.
Education too for those that use the services of prostitutes, after all, if it was not because of them, there would not be prostitution. Men buy, women sell.

Educational programs for those users to teach them how to treat prostitutes, for them to understand that even though they are paying for a service, there should not abuse them or treat them the way many do.

Prostitutes too, deserve respect.
After all, if we think about this, they are both selling/using their bodies, the seller and the buyer as well. They all need the education.
Sex education? Everyone will benefit from it.

Educating Moroccan prostitutes? Of course, but in Morocco, ah!in Morocco we need so much of any kind of education. Where to start?

zazette : Je salue cette initiative. Bravo. Finally they are facing reality. They should educate people and teach them how to prevent STDs (sexually transmitted Diseases).

I dislike the title though. The woman in the video addresses prostitutes because they are accepted in many Arabic Islamic countries. If she addressed Moroccan women in general and asked them to use the preservative when having sex with their boyfriends everyone would attack her and say she encourages premarital sex even if we all know that many Moroccan women do have sexual relationship before marriage in Morocco and these women deserve also to learn how to protect themselves against STDs. I would have chosen a title like: STD prevention in Morocco, because that is what the video is about and not forming or educating prostitutes. But I guess a provocative title always brings more readers.
Lefshoush : Hi Cerventes

The video was posted for couple of days now @ and the video was aired in a french channel.
the speaker was aware that she was been filmed that's why she was trying to impress the viewers ;)

Lah yehdi ma khle9
Adam2007 : Salam,
I got so much disappointed at wafin's team to post this video, you could have opened the discussion of the issue without posting a disgusting vidoe that shows how low some moroccan women are, how fearless of Allah they are, i hate them and i hate the person who post this online. Just to let you know many people from all of over the place access this site not only Moroccans. So you made us feel embarassed to tell poeple we are from that country. Iam so glad i donot live in there any more. Instead of educating them how to use the preservatif, educate them how low to sell your body for money.
and for you Miss Alayna, you are claiming that prostitution should be something legal. this is what you were able to come up with. are not you shame of yourself. this is what are you doing for your daily life or this is what you want your sister/daughter/mothere do and you will consider it legal? On the day of judgement, please make sure to tell ALLAH i was providing a good customer service to my client. Shame on who ever does it and think it is a legal and halal job. the govt and the poeple should all get together and jail who ever does this. This is one of the main reason our good moroccan sisters in Morocco already passed the thirties and can not find a husband, who already get the pleasure from a legal prostute.
Just to let you know Iam a mother of two kids and i will never allow myself do such a thing to the extent i will mop the floor in the mall and not sell my body to a PIG ( sorry to a Client)
Adam2007 : salam,
forgot to tell everyone who agrees about the posting of this embarassing vidoe: wain btoleetoum, fastatirou.
Thank you.
Cervantes : Thank you Lefshoush for the clarification!!
I still think that it’s tasteless to post here.
So, the woman in the “Hijab” knew about this being filmed? WOW!!
zazette : I do not see anything wrong with posting this video. On the contrary, I think this woman is brave. If the act she did on this video will save other people's lives and stop the spread of the disease I can only congratulate her for doing that.

I think we should not judge other people's mortality, no one is pure or an angel. Let us focus on the point of this vidoe which is how to protect yourslef against STDs. If your imagination takes you too far that is your problem.

I also applaud the progress of the free press in Morocco.

Aylana : Cervantes,

With all due respect, I must disagree with you. What is wrong with the video? What does hijab have to do with it all? Are hijab ladies not allowed to teach, use or have or just because of the fact they wear hijab they are different or better? Not at all.

What we need is more of those workshops to teach women how to protect themselves and others as well. Some ladies are shy or embarrassed to attend those workshops, this way, with the video they can watch it from their home and learn the right thing to do.
It is done no matter what; you might as well protect yourself and others. Yes?
This lady I am sure knew she was filmed.

Remember, she is protecting or attempting to protect others by teaching to brothers and sisters alike. This kind of education is good for everyone.
I would love to see an educational video by a man, telling those users or those that engage in sexual activity how to do so safely.


You are not thinking that most of these prostitutes are there by choice, do you? The majority of them are there because of need, and I can only imagine the huge need for them to go out and do this kind of work.

dokkali : haram ,please this video off. im sad to see my moroccan sister doing this ,it was tesless and bad for our culture ,im shame im member at this site.........
marokani : How dare you disrespect Moroccan women in general and especially this Moroccan lady? I am a proud Moroccan-American man who respect Moroccan women in general . This is insult to all Moroccan women including the ones in your family . Sexual education is widely taking place all over the world , and just because it is happening in Morocco , behind closed doors and by a respectful woman who at least took the INITIATIVE to acknowledge this issue , all the sudden LET'S TALK ABOUT IT .
I think your staff ( if educated enough ) should be re-introduced to the ethics of journalism ( which is clearly not adopted in this instance or any others ) .

It makes us wonder what Wafin is turning to ?
harry : I think debating whether the video should be posted or not is a moo point. I think the focus of the discussion should be why the level of morality of SOME Moroccan women had sunk to unprecedented levels to the point where the word Moroccan had become synonymous with cheap and easy. Some have mentioned that these prostitutes are forced to do so because of poverty, however before making that claim we should consider that there are plenty of other people who are way poorer than Moroccans but still have enough pride to refrain from selling their bodies (consider the Palestinians for instance).
abouseif : I can not grasp the fact than in a muslim and Arab country where our leadership claims to a foundation of faith in Islam and we claim to be Muslim we have an academy to educate postitutes on how to be professional when they ingage in such contriditory acts to the laws of Allah or to the laws of the land and to allows such thing is the reasons why Allah is leaving us in the dark and adding to our darkness of mind and thinking, i guess gay marriage is next.............
zazette : Harry, if you don’t feel proud as a Moroccan that is your problem. Do not blame it on those poor women (the prostitutes). They have chosen their path and their life and it is no one else’s business. Why always put the blame on Moroccan women. Do you think Moroccan guys overseas make Morocco proud, go to Belgium, Holland and France, most of them are losers, drugs dealers and criminals, Oh I forgot Italy. Stop bashing Moroccan women. And btw their pimps are guys. I don’t even want to get into Moroccan guys and their fake marriages for money and permanent residency. How many among you got his green card without using an American lady that they have already divorced.

Clean in front your own door before pointing fingers to the neighbor’s roof.

Aylana : Adam2007/Sarah.

You have no right, none whatsoever to judge the lady in the video. You hate your Moroccan sisters? Who do you think you are Ms? Why do you worry about others seeing these kind of videos and knowing you are from Morocco? What worries you? Reality? Do you understand the video?

You said you are glad you do not live there anymore; I too, am glad you do not; you are lucky, just because we do not have many malls that you can mop floors there. I wonder what else could you do.No floors to mop, no work, nothing in Morocco Ms. Sarah, what then?

You said you have two kids, you would not like,I am sure, no one to call them pigs one day, would you?

Miss Aylana is not doing “this” in her daily life, nor is she cleaning or mopping the mall’s floors, lady!
Do not worry about my judgment day, I will face it, no worries, but I will not come back to tell you how did it go. :):)

Why are people so afraid or distraught about reality and what is out there? Why not take the issue you can not stop and that you do not like and face it? Why not treat it the best possible way for all involved, it is a health issue, you must address it as such.

Those that sound or feel offended by the video, don’t they have seen worse? Would a lady that does not wear hijab in the video be better for them?
What is in the video they have seen and much worse I am sure.
zazette : this is not about halal or haram. It is about teaching women how to protect themselves from the spread of STDs. A prostitute is a human being. Her job is a high risk and she needs to know how to protect herself. Many protitutes support big families that countain guys with huge shoulders.
obaid : Come on wafin team!
Not that the subject is not worth it, but it shouldn't be ssooo Graphic this way. shame on you.
Please stop it.
Adam2007 : salam,
to Aylana:
I thought you will be embarrassed about yourself when i told you that but i think you know something is wrong and you just let it go just bec you chose to encourage this job among the moroccan ladies. Shame on you again.
i will do very well on the day of the judgement bec i support Islam and what Allah told us. i will not claim prostitution as a legal job. sell your body is something decent and halal since you have a good excuse that you are just poor. you have the strenght to do that but you do not have the strenght to get a cleaning job. BTW, iam an MBA educated person, got my degree from here. have a good job and two kids that hopefully with my good raising will not be pigs, in case i got laid off and i can not find a job, i will be more than glad to mop the floors. Instead of educating them about preserfative, open their brain and conscousness and tell them it is not easy to get money. i feel so sorry for women like you with this very low mentality. i have to go bec my kids need me amd Allah yehdeek before the day of the judgement bec i do not want you to say that you were providing a good customer service to your clients.
marokani : Harry , Palestinians are selling something else other than their bodies . I invite you to investigate the matter before direspecting Moroccan women , they re not all the same . Prostitution is a global issue NOT a Moroccan one.
nazy : I am pleased to see how moroccan( unfortunately some still doing the Ostrich) are finally accepting the fact that prostitution is a global social fact.
I will be proud to be a moroccan prostitute than a palestinian hypocrite.
We have an issue lets face it if you have other acceptable solution show them but in respect to others needs and rights.
zazette : There is a huge misunderstanding here, supporting this video does not mean supporting prostitution. Prostitution is bad; there is no doubt about that. It is as bad as stealing or selling drugs, may be selling drugs is more dangerous. The video is about teaching how to prevent STDs, judging prostitution as bad or good is another topic and so is religion. What would say if in this forum we had Jews, Christians and budhists or atheists and you were supposed to say your word about prostitution, can you describe why prostitution is bad: “spreading disease, degrading for women, etc.” or are you gonna argue that it is bad because it is haram and talk about the judgmenet day. People from other religions don't understand what haram means. Use common sense. Allah banned prostitution for a reason, list that reason if you wish and what you think of it and stop bragging about how religious or non-religious you are, we don't care. It is your business with Allah!!!

Aylana : Adam2007,


Let me explain something to you:

Poverty is the primary economic incentive that drive most of these ladies to prostitution.
One solution will be creating economic alternatives for women. How can we do that? One way could be by placing big penalties in men involved in prostitution and use that money to create workshop and places where they can obtain skills and knowledge about how to get out of that life.

We are talking about street prostitutes;those in Casablanca and in all other cities, cities around the world. Those that are hungry and have a lot of needs that I am sure you and I never went thru and we do not have.

Do you think that is fun to be close to a toothless smelly individual in a corner in Casablanca when you are 20, full of life and pretty with a near fifty year old just for a few dirham? What do you think Adam207?
I too, want to give them a little job, floor mopping job if there was; they looked,they did not find any.Get it?

Again, we are not talking about high end prostitution where ladies are picked up by a limousine to take them to a Ritz hotel. Those are doing well and we should not worry about them, they probably make on a weekend more than you and I combined make in a month and they know and are aware how to take care of themselves. The know how to make a good living and they have the assets to do so.

We are worry and concern about those that have no education and do not know how things work, those that do not know that not wearing protection can lead them to death, or a disease and how after contracting it they can spread it to others.
That is what we are concern about Adam2007.
Do you understand me?

Once again,I am not a prostitute, you should show some respect and show us a little of that MBA of yours. Thank you.

You religion is yours and has not business here I do not think, so park it!

Cervantes : Dear Aylana,
My problem with this video is not about the teaching nor is it about addressing the reality of prostitution in our country. It is definitely not about providing the knowledge to these poor women on how to protect themselves either. I do not agree with prostitution as a solution, but I am realistic enough to know that it exists and has a huge impact on our society. My initial problem with this video was that the person in the act of blowing the dildo was not aware of being filmed. Once I found out through “Lafshoush guys” about the details of this video and the assumed fact that this woman knew that she was being filmed and will potentially be viewed by the universe for ever, then I am perhaps less concerned.
As for the rest of your questions regarding the “Hijab”, Yes, I do believe that the person wearing a “Hijab” is supposed to be representing our honored religion and therefore, should in principle be conducting her acts in accordance with the teachings of Islam. I think that you will agree that our Islamic teachings prohibit us from displaying such action in public. For teaching purposes however, it might be allowed if it is performed in privacy, where only those being benefited from the act are present. Posting this video online definitely does not fall under this category. This is of course apart from all the potentially relevant arguments that one could present regarding this subject. Please don’t get me wrong, I am very aware that some women wearing the “Hijab” are involved in worse acts, it just hard for me to see that in public.
As for your notion about these women being shy to attend the workshop, please take it from me, these women do not have the slightest idea of what the word “hshouma” means. Even if one of two did have some slight notion of the word; one could find other ways to address this very small percentage of unique individuals. Worse comes to worst, one could always teach one or a few of these “professional prostitutes” to do the act of teaching. I hope that you understand my point and find in someway to at least see where I am coming from.

Harry : Marokani, if you read my posting carefully you will see one word written in capital letters, and that word is "some" followed by "Moroccan women". My comment was about some Moroccan women, so before getting all high and mighty get it right first. As for comparing with other people, I can care less what other people are selling for I do not belong to them. I'm Moroccan and proud to be one and it breaks my heart to hear SOME Moroccan "men",and I used the term "men" very loosely, encouraging their females to enagage in prostitution be it safe or not. We should fight prostitution not encourage it to be done safely. We can fight prostitution by providing reasonable alternatives and by imposing tough punishments as deterrents.
her_ca : Salam everyone,
Aylana, I can’t believe you said you’d like prostitution to become legal in Morocco!!!! Seriously? That’s disgusting and it shows a twisted level of thinking and logic.

The hijabi lady in the video has no shame whatsoever, she and others backing her are trying to give a bad picture about Islam. She could have found other decent ways to pass the message across about protection. She came across looking like a professional porn star (no doubt about it!)

Prostitutes and their CLIENTS must be punished according to the Islamic Law. That is the only way to deal with them. Then we won’t have to worry about teaching them, because there wouldn’t be any of them around anymore!

On another note, please refrain from attacking each other and generalizing that all Moroccan women are bad, you know very well that it’s not true, if you don’t then you’re automatically insulting your mothers and sisters and wives!!
On the same token, don’t attack the Moroccan men either.
We are like every other country, we have the Good, the bad and the ugly!
And whoever said that insult about the people of Palestine, you owe them an apology, a very sincere apology!

Be well everyone and keep your brothers and sisters in your Duaa’s, May God guide us all and forgive us our shortcomings
Laila :)
bakhat : I agree with cervantes a 100%. Wafin should post articles that make sence and respect hijab .
like my wife said that article is pure(ZBEL).I realy don't understand why Wafin site will go this low.
Thanks cervantes .
Ahmed of tanger
marokani : My simple question to the wafin team : Have you tought about the Moroccan ladies that are members of this site when you posted this video ?
basic5 : i think every one is missing the point here. including hespress. this is about selling condoms. and hespress i hope you get your cut from the deal. please post
Adam2007 : Salam: To Alayna:
Iam sorry if i was rude to you but i got furious when you said i think prostitution needs to be legal. First of all, you do not need to be anybody to go to the doctor to get a physical. you can be a prostitute or a married woman, the doctor will still see you. you do not have to tell him your marital status. But showing this video online and by a woman with her hijab on, i think it is very hypocrite of her to do that. her hijab shows her religion but by the same token her video shows her like a slut. when you said in you last comment:(Poverty is the primary economic incentive that drive most of these ladies to prostitution.
One solution will be creating economic alternatives for women. How can we do that? One way could be by placing big penalties in men involved in prostitution and use that money to create workshop and places where they can obtain skills and knowledge about how to get out of that life.)now you started saying common sense. YES, penalties to whoever does it from the man to the woman to the landlord of the place when they practice their dirty jobs.
I think even jail to who ever does it and trust me poeple will get scared to do it or at least prostitution will be minimized. Our corrupted govt and people should all act agaist it. Morocco is well known as the country # 1 where you can easily get a prostitute, why? bec we are poor. what about jordan, palestine, Algeria, tunisia... prostitution exist there too but not like Morocco. we have it worst and dirtier. If you go to Europe and you try to get a prostitute, a moroccan woman is easily and cheaper too. why? they can not find a job even in Europe or bec it is easier for them to sell their bodies. they are doing it bec of their lack of morals, their lack of Iman and their lack of fear of Allah. is not that a shame. It is againt all Allah's book( koran, Bible and Torah), it is against morals. Allah forbids it bec it ruins families, spreads diseases and the list can go on....
I know women in morocco work in hamman, clean toilets and do really dirty jobs but guess what? they earn it Halal.
Once it gets forbidden, everyone will find anything of a job, inshallah put merchandise in the street and sell it. Do you know now it is hard to get a maid in Morocco bec almost every one want to get it easily. they are strong enough to practice prostitution but not strong to do housekeeping. Education is not really what Morocco needs to do, it is enforcing the rules and jail every pig and prostitute and eventually morocco will be much cleaner. Even the rate of marriage will be increased bec guys need a woman in their life. My dear we are not Americans, educating them how to use it, is exactly like an American mother telling her teenager daughter: honey make sure to use something with your boyfreind!!!
Furthermore, you can not park religion from your daily life whether you are chritian, jewish or muslim, unless you are Agnostic, and that will be an other story. seriously i feel sorry for women with this kind of mentality. You are talking about Religion like anything trivial in your life. what does it mean Please Park it. i hope you will get parked on the day of judgement!!!

Please pray and ask for Allah's forgiveness when you claimed that prostitution needs to be legal and Park It....
newguy : Obviously, some Moroccans care about their country and stayed there to face the problem and come up with solutions; others love to sit in their air conditioned room and criticize everything that moves!

Good video, good initiative, good plan; until we can come up with something else that will actually work. Loosers, after you come down from your orgasmic holiness, shut down that laptop of yours and get back to your Grande Non-Fat White Mocha Frapuccino!

Aylana : Cervantes,

I understand you thought she was filmed without her knowledge; that should never happen, in this case I feel and hope she knew.

I would be more concern if I knew that she does not normally wear Hijab but did so for the video, that, I would not like. You know there are plenty of those videos around
You tube where they pretend.

I do not see her conducting “no act” but explaining. She is not in no “act”. I think you meant teaching, or showing.

I am not sure I understood you when you said these women do not know the word hshouma. I disagree with that.
What I meant by been shy was that they would not like others to see they are working the streets. It is like if you steal and I do too, but I do not want you to know I do. :)

I do not see why this should be in private, conducting these “acts” you say. Why not in public? You go to you tube and you learn how to make couscous, you also watch how to make sushi, you see all Kamasutra dealings there so why not teaching, showing how to protect yourself and others from diseases?

A question for you is: would you have liked the video better if the teacher or the lady was this pretty Moroccan girl showing cleavage wearing a mini-skirt?
Would you have been as concerned that she was not filmed with her consent? Would you have had the same reaction?

You said: “I am very aware that some women wearing the “Hijab” are involved in worse acts, it just hard for me to see that in public”
You are totally right; I am glad you mentioned it.
I do respect the fact that you do not find it pleasant to watch.

You also said you are realistic enough to know what is out there, well then you have to know that when there is a problem we have to face it and deal with it the best possible way we can.

I find this video totally fine. We are talking about health here, theirs and other’s health, so in my view, the issue deservers public awareness.
I am not sure if many people are aware of the fact that in Morocco, the majority of Moroccan men using prostitution services are married. It is shocking but true.

This kind of education is good for the main reason prostitution is a profitable business: FOR MEN, you know there are services available because there is demand: money.

Men need to be aware of the problems they can face when they go out there and do not use protection; they need to know what they can bring home to their wives. Agree?

And finally Cervantes, those that have requested the video to be removed, how many times have they gone intentionally looking for stuff, videos of any kind (and you know what I mean), you tube and others places?
Can we be a bit more honest and realistic here please?

sword : Imagine the lady with the round face and hijab coming down on a guy instead of a dildo.
Then there are all these other ladies in the room sitting patiently waiting their turn to blow.
"Ladies please take your turn."
Then on the tenth round, the guy runs out of milk completly.
"ladies the guy has to turn over"
His ass exposed he squeezes
time for dessert, chocolates with a tad of beans"

I hear some one say Euuuu...that's disgusting!?
You got that right.
O'seriously, now that the cat is sufficiently out of the bag
[and Hassan Taia, our profilic writer stormed out of the closet this week, to speak to homosexuality, tolerance and acceptance let us have some pictures of male prostitutes, lesbians transvestite, and while at it, let us bring the little children who are sold in Marakech like yellow ducks at the fare. (ALLAH YASTOUR)

Wafin team should be applauded for their open mindedness, and perhaps, for their intellectual prowess as well, especially when they push us in a sewer pool and expect us to keep it clean.
I suppose wafin team has ordered condoms for all of us, our sizes with goggles and breathing tubes.
marokani : Harry

I actually have the right to get high and mighty when it comes to my country of origin , and it 's reputation that is often tarnished by the so called Moroccan prostitutes . It seems that you think with your head backwards instead of following the new trend of introducing education and prevention as a mean of rehabilitation . This tool is adapted in the US criminal justice , and slowely getting introduced to other third world countries . Educate before you punish , what is an offender without education and prevention ? Prevention is a crutial element as well in this delicated process . Poverty is a serious issue that Morocco is tackling and doing a great job about it under what's called the human initiative .
Like there are some Moroccan prostitutes , there are also some PALESTINIAN prostitutes ( again look it up )

I encourage you to start thinking with your head forward

Good luck
chouaiboo15 : I am very disappointed. If they wanted to educate them on how to use protection, they should have sent them to Amsterdam for training instead of having a lady with Hijab showing them how to give oral sex.
Cervantes : Aylana,
I tried to make myself very clear to you and used some very simple vocabulary in hope that you understand my point. I also tried to stay on the respectful side of things and not go down to the slums with this conversation. However, I am afraid that you completely miss my point and quite frankly, I am no longer in the mood to elaborate. To you this is probably just an argument about prostitution, condoms, teaching and all that crap. You are completely oblivion of the real issue at hand. Your response to my statements are just (J*&%&^$#%). You ask me if I would be as concerned if it were a pretty Moroccan girl showing cleavage wearing a mini-skirt. Well, honestly, when you ask me this question a part of me wants to ask you back if you are pretty, do you have a nice cleavage, and do you look good in mini-skirt? That same part of me wants to ask you to film yourself doing that honorable act and posted on Wafin for me to see before I can answer your question. A part of me wants to ask you to do it and pretend that you are doing it for educational purposes. A part of me wants you to do it and speak during the act about what a wonderful teacher you are.
Fortunately, I am in pretty good control of that part of me these days and I resort to the part of me that reminds me that every Muslim female is my sister, my mother, and potentially my wife. So, NO. I don’t want to see you or any pretty Moroccan woman cleavage or no cleavage, mini-skirt or no mini-skirt doing that act of shame in public.
Where I grew up we respected our women and we treated them as sisters. The thought of taken advantage of them for a moment of pleasure hardly crossed our minds and when it did, our upbringing quickly kicked in to remind us of our basic teachings.
How dense can one be!!!
cruise9999h : Here is a GENEOUS idea on how NOT to catch a STD, how about not having sex at all untill you are legally married according to the Islamic laws. I can guarantee this will stop every disease the humanity can imgagine.Think about it....
amranb : Local health authorities, are required to educate prostitutes whether they are males or females and promote condom usage. this also applies to non prostitutes.
As for the Video, it all depends of the intention of the person educating. Is it someone qualified? is it someone looking to be seen on videos?
I would have prefered that a cartoon character shown the "bad" part of the movie. We must stress the importance of confidentiality and try our best to show that we are educating people and also abiding by our religious beliefs and respecting our religion. Overall, I Like the video but I don't like to see a real women (with or without a Hijab)showing that part of the video. We have artist that can draw pictures of how a candom can be used.
Aylana : Cervantes,

I am sorry you misunderstood me and my questions.

I do respect your opinion and views.

Adam2007 : Salam, to cervante and Alayna.
Thank you cervante i tried to explain things to Alayna but i think she wants to legalize prostitution in morocco where we learnt the halal and the haram. the education that should be done is to stay away from sex till you get married. Alayna do not be Americanised. Learn the good stuff from America but keep the bad stuff here. OK dear!!!
yz : Kudos to the Wafin team for having the testicular fortitude to post this clip on their site.

The first step towards a solution is to recognize the problem. The video wasn’t meant to be pornographic or salacious. It was meant as an educational tool to help alleviate some of the health related issues engendered by prostitution. And for those who still insist on keeping their heads in the sand, I encourage them to read up on the colonial and postcolonial “quartiers reserves” like Bousbir in Casablanca, 3ersat el houta in Marrakech, and the recently architected hay edlam in Dakhla. This latter was the government’s solution to allay the soldiers’ sexual appetite by bringing sex workers from all over the country as to protect the local girls.

In Morocco as in any other country in the world, prostitution thrives as a lucrative business. Every city has its “regimented brothel” and the clientele has a variety of choices, and their pick will only depend on taste and money. And let’s get this straight; what’s shameful is to pretend that the problem doesn’t exist and not breaking the taboo and courageously facing up to it. Prostitution is one of the oldest professions on earth. We won’t reap any benefit by bringing religion or faith into this discourse since prostitution predates the invention of the concept of God.

One a somehow different but related subject, what’s up with this misplaced and heightened sense of pride for the country? As I read some of your posts, you would think that Pythagoras, Aristotle, Pasteur, Michelangelo, Planck, Gauss…were actually Moroccans that the annals of History mistakenly recorded. What is up with this overzealous patriotism that borders on exceptionalism? Unless something drastically changed in the last 3 months, by and large the majority of Morocco is still, figuratively and literally, a “tarro dyal zbel”. Most of the people are corrupt, dealing with corrupt institutions in a corrupt environment. Time to inject some reality into this view. A terse history tour of Romania, Bulgaria, or even Ethiopia will show you that Morocco’s cultural heritage is nothing but a dot on a 1-mile radius radar.

Unless we have the mettle to call a spade a spade, let’s sit down, drink some atay bel louiza, eat some beshkito and listen to shikha El Hammounia as she sings: “Golo l3am zin al bnat, golo l3am zin”

marccopollo : I haven’t been on this web site for a while. I can’t help it but respond to this video. Prostitution in Morocco is a fact that can not be denied neither overlooked. On the one hand, dealing with its consequences is necessary to prevent the spread of deadly diseases such as AIDS. On the other hand, tackling the root causes of prostitution in Morocco is a serious task that requires political and societal reforms. The question that should be asked by every Moroccan is how we got there at the first place. How in the world a muslim country has a high proportion of hookers (9hab)? In my opinion, the sociopolitical system in Morocco has a lot to do with the current situation. In a political system built on the ruler’s worship, people tend to cede complete control to others in position of power.

Prostitutes are women who surrender to the supreme authority of men in need of sexual gratification. The same political system, that gives vast advantages to the elite in power made of the monarchy’s circle of greedy supporters and the Fessi mafia, is humiliating the poor disenfranchised class of people whose female relatives work in the prostitution industry. Furthermore, the class stratification has made of 3robyat (uneducated countryside women) and Atlas Berber women good candidate to be prostitutes, whereas Fassi women are considered to be the good girls.

Historically, before the draft of the Geneva convention, when an invading army takes control of a country, soldier were allowed to rape women for two reasons. First, soldiers satisfy their sexual urge caused by high stress level due to warfare. second, raping other men women is a psychological humiliation that cause the invaded population to unconsciously surrender to the invading army. This example of psychological warfare is used by the elite in power to subdue the poor Moroccan. In addition, the primary financial beneficiary of this system are the Moroccan authorities ( police and gendarmes) that impose illegal fine ( tadwira) on pimps and prostitutes so they can work with no harassment. The only solution to this social illness is a reform of this system in order to allow a fair share of wealth and power.

Any use of my ideas should be referenced as "Intellectual property of Marccopollo"
zazette : Aylana,
I missed your comment where you wrote that you wished prostitution was legal. I respect your opinion but I disagree with you on legalizing prostitution, what’s next? legalizing cocaine?
I agree with the part that prostitutes should be educated on the hazards their job involves but not with legalizing prostitution. Should steeling and robbing banks also be legalized? Prostitution is immoral and harmful like steeling or selling drugs. Poverty is not an excuse. I think that the government should take tough measures to stop prostitution.

Morocco’s economy is booming and there are so many ways to make money if you have some brain and ready to work hard and be perseverant and I am not talking about mopping the floor because that also does not take you far.

For the woman in the video doing the demo, it is none of my business, but I do not call what she is wearing Hijab. Look at her pants. I would not wear them; you can see too many details. But I do find what she did brave. That video was on French news. She knew she was being filmed. The idea of cartoons is a great one. I thought of that too and I think it would have been as informative and less shocking to

Aylana : YZ and Marccopollo,

Finally, two with common sense and intellect.
The best two post/replies to this topic. I thank you both.
Right on! Well said.


Thank you for making me laugh this Sunday morning. I do not look at her head/hijab or her pants for “details” you said? I did not meticulously observe the lady, but the message.

I see nothing but a message. And the message is simple: if you are going to be involved in sexual activities of any kind, and this goes for everyone, you must protect yourself. Be it a female or male prostitute or anyone else. Period. Cartoons you said? Do cartoon wear condoms? What is a cartoon?

Why do some people deny what is there and what is reality? Why not face it? Why do we have issues and problems in front of us and some still insist in hiding them and pretend do not exist?

If for the majority poverty is not it? What is it?

You said Morocco’s economy is booming? I assume then you are in Morocco, I will check it out again, so that I too can go back.

You said: “I think that the government should take tough measures to stop prostitution”
The government should wake up and start looking into education, health care and housing for the many Moroccans living in poverty so that prostitution decreases. What do you think?

When I mentioned legalization of prostitution I said so because, even though I know that by legalizing it will still create other set of problems, I believe that when there is a problem of this magnitude we can’t solve easily, there must be some control of it, at least.
We need to work in demand, if there was not demand, there would not business.

Thanks for writing, and good day.

Shining star : Salam Wafiners,

I just want to make few points regarding this topic that has been posted. First of all, prostitution in Morocco is the result of poverty. If these women had decent jobs where they can work, they would not sell their bodies. Second, we should not judge them just because they do prostitution. They are human beings too. They are forced to do it because they have to support their families. So, it's either they will have to sell their bodies or they will die out of hunger because of the lack of money. We know of course that prostitution is haram in Islam. But we should also clearly understand that we are weak as human beings and we are full of shortcomings. No one is perfect when it comes to applying Islam. Third, I support this initiative of sexual education simply because of the fact prostitution will never be eliminated in Morocco as long as there is poverty over there. So, we better start educating these women over there so the spread of STDs can be eliminated. If we don't educate these women, STDs will spread at a fast pace and of course the government will have to incur the costs of health care. Clearly the benefits of these sexual education programs will outweight the costs of health care that will be incured by the Moroccan government. Fourth, the questions that should be asked are the followings: What can be done to reduce a little bit this phenomena of prostitution even though we know it will never be eliminated? What other programs the Moroccan government should implement in order to educate the Moroccan population about the dangers of STDs and how they can be prevented?

Answer to question 1:

As with regards to the first question, the Moroccan government should start thinking about creating new laws that deal with prostitution. For instance, a new law can be created that imposes a moneteray penalty on the people who buy the services of women. One way to implement this law is by creating a law enforcement unit within police departments of the different Moroccan cities. This law enforcement unit can be called "Smart Anti-Prostitution Unit". Officers within these units will have to patrol the high target streets and enforce the anti prostitution law. Reducing the phenomena of prostitution will also require the Moroccan government to come up with an innovative integrated communication campaign that can be called "Act now to stop prostitution". These are the main following medias that can be used for this campaign: print, tv, and radio. Besides coming up with an integrated communication campaign the Moroccan government has to introduce bold changes in the education system in Morocco. The following courses have to be introduced in Moroccan high schools:

-Introduction to prostitution and its negative impact on society: This introductory course will have to teach students about the negative consequences of prostitution on society. One of the requirements of completing this course is that students will have to do 60 hours a semester of social work where they have to get involved in real anti prostitution projects within Moroccan associations that are working on reducing these phenomena.

- Empowering women to strenghten society: this course will teach students about the important role women play in society and how to find innovative ways to empower them so they can be more educated and more involved in politics.

- Fighting prostitution: the main prerequisite of this course will be introduction to prostitution and its negative impact on society course. In this course law officers from the "Smart Anti Prostitution Unit" that will be created withing police departments of different cities to fight prostitution will come to schools to teach students about the different strategies used by the unit to fight prostitution. In addition to that students will have to do 60 hours a semester of social work where they have to get involved in real anti prostitution projects within the "Smart Anti Prostitution Unit".

Reducing prostitution can also be done via associations which will have to come up with smart programs that will deal with the phenomena of prostitution.

Finally, reducing poverty will require the Moroccan government to implement a new smart program called:"Strenghtening marriage". Through this program the money collected from the penalities imposed on the guys who buy the services of prostitution will be used to give grants to help the needy people who can not afford to get married.

Answer to question 2:

The actions that were just mentioned above and that should be understaken will not of course eliminate prostitution, they will just reduce it. Therefore, the Moroccan government should take bold actions in order to reduce the negative impacts of prostitution. One of these actions that can be taken is the creation of "smart mobile health units". These units will have to patrol the high target cities and raise awareness about STDs and conduct STD screenings.
sword : Adam2007:
are you a mother of a son named Adam and born in 2007? if you are tell us what month and what day so that we can wish him happy birthday.
brother, lighten up the video is a Trojan spot to open up new markets for profit on rubber; the rest you know …The health know better..we have managed everything else so well , like you need to buy your own thread and needle to stitch the child who cracked his head open on the cement stairs. Ok YZ you win you can start your own house from a ceiling.
Sir YZ, You Zmart.. of course you read a lot and understand very little; obviously, calling someone else’s motherland TARRO DZBEL is needlessly offensive.
Yes, it is true there are many ills with Modern Morocco. It is equally true there are ample good people who have made the dearest of sacrifices toward ameliorating its lots. I happen to think that Morocco is in somewhat of a renaissance since the 18th Century, which was stifled unfortunately by some bad political choices. We are working on it and hopefully we are successful as the time goes on.
More importantly, it is symptomatic of the pseudo intellectual to self loath. You think that you learned the world at school, then folded without ever questioning what you’ve learned. Now you became cynical. To assume that Earth has been round ONLY since the European renaissance is the greatest fallacy and the prominent mark of a monkey and/or a fool.. Do you get my meaning at?
Indeed, before you start trashing Morocco and its people, reexamine your assumptions, you will find what you have once thought to be infallible truth is in fact a soluble misrepresentation of fact, and the greatest lie of all. Even the Zmart monkeys need examples sometimes; well here is one. Ask..Ibn Khaldoun in his Mokaddima stated clearly and cogently that the earth has been around since its inception, long before the mercantile travel to the Americas. Ask further why wasn’t he given credit for that discovery in the colonial school that built the foundation of your “learned self” for the lack of better word . You think Moroccan history is what you were taught in your public school by books of Boukalakh and Abedellah L3aroui. Think again and again
I do not want to pick a fight with you YZ, you have the rest of your life to fight your own demons and God knows what else. I am simply trying to help you correct certain inadequacies in your thinking, much like an older brother, with all due respect.
In conclusion, it is wrong, presumptuous and outrageously rude to call an entire country, with its people, dead and alive, a trash can.
YZ Thank you for sharing your views kindly and with great love.

DrSabour : Thanks Wafin team. It is about time we start talking about the obvious, and it is about time to open our hearts and mind to tackle these kinds of taboos in our society. Everybody knows that prostitution is the world’s oldest profession. And throughout history, attempts have been made to regulate the sex trade. Even as far back as the 18th century found in the code of Hammourabi.

Prostitution was widely accepted in all four corners of the world. In ancient Greece, open markets for male and female prostitute were common. In ancient Rome, prostitution was used as a form of hospitality, where women would be offered to foreign guests for a nominal fee. It wasn’t until the 16th century with the outbreak of syphilis and other sexually transmitted disease in Europe that prostitution got frowned upon, especially with the rise of Religious Christian influence.

So Prostitution existed a long time ago, exists now and will exist for ever. The question is how to deal with it. Some say legalize it, other say abolish it and others say prohibit it. In a society like Morocco or other Muslim countries prostitution is prohibited, meaning both the prostitute and the customer are involved in a criminal act and could/would face criminal charges. Yet the prostitution in those countries is widely tolerated. So the fact that it is illegal doesn’t solve the problem, it rather complicates the prostitute’s plight by dealing with the authorities in the form of bribes and sexual favors in exchange for the freedom to practice.

From a medical stand point, prostitution is an active disease vector of all STD’s including HIV/AIDS and prostitute act as a reservoir of STD’s in the general population. Studies all across the globe have shown that encouragement of safer sex practices, which is what our lady in the video is doing, combined with regular testing for sexually transmitted diseases, has been very successful when applied consistently in limiting the spread of STD’s. We also have to remember that before prostitutes become a health hazard to the public, they constitute a big health hazard to themselves, for prostitution registers the highest occupational mortality rate. Prostitutes are often times subject to vicious assaults and physical abuse including murder.

finally prostitution is an outstanding global health issue. Let us not get hung up on the “sacred Hijab” and let us deal with situation with objectivity and realism. By the way, prostitutes in ancient Middle East were actually forced to wear a hijab/veil to distinguish themselves from the general population. When did it turn out to be a symbol of Islam, I don't know.

Thanks for reading.
walmaghreb : common guys, get real. the prostitution exists in Morocco and both the seller and buyer are equaly guilty. since it is widely spread throughout Morocco. let's educate them at least on how to use the damn. I think some of the posters they see the problem with the fact that a Moroccan veiled lady who is giving this practical class. therefore their comments are ideologically motivated. quick preaching and look within...! we have this social problem in Morocco and our yes OUR prostitutes are not educated . they need to be aware of all these sexually transmitted deseases. look at the issue from a impartial stand point. I still don't know why some of you don't only are expressing their anger about the video but also giving fatwas about wafin. at least on this website they have the courage to post such a contraversial clip to the members to inform them and also to discuss this issue in civil manner. just for the record I am totally against the prostitution and pro women's right and equal opportunity in the work places so she can support herself and be independent.

ahmed in la : I m sorry guys that I could not read any of your comments due to time constrains in Morocco. The link to the video should be removed immediately and the debate could continue as long as our sisters are not insulted by its appearance on wafin. I do not know how many were offended and how many were exposed to its shameful content; but there should be a limit to what is appropriate for publication and what is not. Although I condone sex education, and I m a firm believer in pro activism in regards to awareness and prevention; this idea of publishing and publicizing the video on this open forum is wrong.
I hope you will act on this request and that you understand the genuine concern; we are still Muslims; supposedly!

zazette : Aylana,
I will answer your questions one by one. A is you, Z is zazette.
A: Zezatte,
Thank you for making me laugh this Sunday morning. I do not look at her head/hijab or her pants for “details” you said? I did not meticulously observe the lady, but the message.

Z: I am glad I made you laugh. It is true, I pay attention to details although in this case , as I mentioned it before, her pants are a minor detail. And since we are talking about details, it is Zazette and not zezette nor zezatte. It helps if you pay attention.

A: I see nothing but a message. And the message is simple: if you are going to be involved in sexual activities of any kind, and this goes for everyone, you must protect yourself. Be it a female or male prostitute or anyone else. Period. Cartoons you said? Do cartoon wear condoms? What is a cartoon?

Z: I meant animated cartoons. Instead of having a real lady, a drawing of a lady doing the demo in an animated cartoon would be as informative as the above video. I hope it is clear now.

A: Why do some people deny what is there and what is reality? Why not face it? Why do we have issues and problems in front of us and some still insist in hiding them and pretend do not exist?

Z: that is what was recently discussed on hespress: schizophrenia of Moroccans.

A:If for the majority poverty is not it? What is it?

Z: A lot of crimes are committed because of poverty. We should come up with solutions and not bigger problems like legalizing prostitution. It is poverty but it is also stupidity of women who prefer to sell their body and soul instead of learning a skill that would help them the rest of their lives. A prostitute has to retire at what age: mid thirties? What is she going to do after that? Use her savings? Unfortunately the majority of those women stay poor and they end up taking drugs or die from STDs.

A:You said Morocco’s economy is booming? I assume then you are in Morocco, I will check it out again, so that I too can go back.

Z: your logic resembles this simple mathematical equation: 1+1= 3
How did you come up with that conclusion? No, my dear I live here, in the USA.

A: You said: “I think that the government should take tough measures to stop prostitution”
The government should wake up and start looking into education, health care and housing for the many Moroccans living in poverty so that prostitution decreases. What do you think?

Z: I agree, but while educating and creating job opportunities, the government should also eradicate prostitution for the so many reasons I mentioned (also described in Dr sabour’s last comment).

A:When I mentioned legalization of prostitution I said so because, even though I know that by legalizing it will still create other set of problems, I believe that when there is a problem of this magnitude we can’t solve easily, there must be some control of it, at least.
We need to work in demand, if there was not demand, there would not business.

Z: So according to your logic we should legalize marijuana as well because there is a huge demand from young Moroccans? I wonder sometimes if you argue just for the fun of it. Assuming you ignore the dangers prostitution involves, does morality mean anything to you? Please don’t repeat what people in Holland or Europe say. Their society and mentality are very different from ours and what works for them won’t necessarily work for us. A Dutch prostitute is not a Moroccan one. The latter is uneducated and will deal with Saudis and Arab men who are not Dutch guys. If you see what I mean. No offense to Arab guys but many of them mistreat and disrespect good girls, can you imagine how they treat prostitutes. There was an article on prostitution telquel by journalist fadwa massate where she described what Saudis do to the young prostitutes in Morocco. Fadwa disguised herself as prostitutes and penetrated the palace of a very notorious Saudi man. She published what she witnessed. She is probably here on wafin and can correct my informations. She described that Saudi guys love to stick lightened cigarette between those women’s legs.
Sorry Aylana, but what you came up with is not a solution but rather, a bigger problem. Do you know how many new prostitutes Morocco will have once those illiterate girls hear that the government legalized it? Morocco is not Holland. We have more than 50% illiteracy. Moroccan women need education and awareness more than anything else. If they are educated and aware, they will take care of themselves and improve their living. Having said that, I probably don’t need to repeat that I agree that everyone should be aware of the danger of unprotected sex including prostitutes. But I just did.

Sorry for being long. I would like to end with this inspirational quote by Henry Ford:

“If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability”

A: Thanks for writing, and good day.
Z: You are welcome and good day to you too.
zazette : The words taro dzbel are what differentiate an intellectual from a wanna be.
Aylana : Zazette said: I am glad I made you laugh. It is true, I pay attention to details although in this case , as I mentioned it before, her pants are a minor detail. And since we are talking about details, it is Zazette and not zezette nor zezatte. It helps if you pay attention.

Aylana answer: I am sorry I misspelled your name, also the lady’s attire did not catch my eye. I do not pay attention to those, just because I do not consider it important.
Imagine!! around the corner you called me Kwool when my name is Aylana. I do not care what you call me, it is not important. We are going for the big message here no minutia.

Zazette said: I meant animated cartoons. Instead of having a real lady, a drawing of a lady doing the demo in an animated cartoon would be as informative as the above video. I hope it is clear now.

Aylana answer: You were clear before about the little characters called cartoons. The problem is, people, women and men, “real ladies” like you said, use condoms and engage in sexual activities, in sex, so a “real person” is more adequate to show or teach. I would not have approved of a “real man” been in there for the teaching of it all, however, I saw nothing wrong with the video.

If you look carefully to some commercials in prime time television today, you would see some, I would dare to say, close to what you see in the video, in the same arena. I hope that is clear now.

Zazette said: that is what was recently discussed on hespress: schizophrenia of Moroccans.

Aylana answers: I am not sure what you mean here but I do believe in free press and freedom of speech to the fullest extend of it all. People have choices, what to read and what to watch, while doing so, they can make their own conclusions.

Zazette said: A lot of crimes are committed because of poverty. We should come up with solutions and not bigger problems like legalizing prostitution. It is poverty but it is also stupidity of women who prefer to sell their body and soul instead of learning a skill that would help them the rest of their lives. A prostitute has to retire at what age: mid thirties? What is she going to do after that? Use her savings? Unfortunately the majority of those women stay poor and they end up taking drugs or die from STDs.

Aylana answers:This was a weak answer/point and unfortunately, the most important one.

I hope I can explain myself well.
You know there is something called human development.
I am referring to human development in the economic part of it, standards of living. We all need to have an environment where we can grow, be productive and develop our interests, while doing so, we raise our standard of living and that creates choices, expands choices and options for us to lead our life the way we want to.
Education is the key, and as you know, a good education system is not in place in Morocco. IF or Until that is improved or is solved, we will see an incredible amount of poverty. Poverty=desperation=prostitution=survival.

Who is to blame for poverty, the people? No, I can’t blame the people, government? Yes government, and global policies and practices affect poverty.
Global policies and practices are a huge deal in the performance of third world countries structure and improvement, but that is a subject for another topic.

Zazette said:
“It is poverty but it is also stupidity of women who prefer to sell their body and soul instead of learning a skill that would help them the rest of their lives. A prostitute has to retire at what age: mid thirties”

Aylana answers: How poor that statement is, you do not know zazette.

If you ask me what I would do if I am hungry day in and day out for long, I have no clue what I would do. But I am sure I would do anything possible to survive, for survival.

You said prostitutes retired at 30 years old. How so? Never heard such thing.
What about men that are 30-40-50-, etc. don’t you think they would use the services of a 30 year old prostitute? Prostitution does not have age. Also, remember there are many forms of prostitution and that goes for male and female alike.

Zazette said: your logic resembles this simple mathematical equation: 1+1= 3
How did you come up with that conclusion? No, my dear I live here, in the USA.

Aylana answers: Granted, I was never good in math. But let me put it this way:

If good economy in Morocco= Jobs
+ One year more of Aylana in the US
=Aylana back to Morocco for good. :):)

Zazette said: I agree, but while educating and creating job opportunities, the government should also eradicate prostitution for the so many reasons I mentioned (also described in Dr sabour’s last comment).

Aylana answers: Prostitution will never be eradicated; what the government should do is create centers/programs to educate Moroccans also provide them with basics: education, health care and shelter.
Remember some governments look the other side to solve this kind of issues, after all, those at it, in prostitution, are somewhat surviving. Imagine otherwise!
Not always everything that needs to be solved it is in all governments best interest. Read me?

Zazette said: So according to your logic we should legalize marijuana as well because there is a huge demand from young Moroccans? I wonder sometimes if you argue just for the fun of it. Assuming you ignore the dangers prostitution involves, does morality mean anything to you? Please don’t repeat what people in Holland or Europe say. Their society and mentality are very different from ours and what works for them won’t necessarily work for us. A Dutch prostitute is not a Moroccan one. The latter is uneducated and will deal with Saudis and Arab men who are not Dutch guys. If you see what I mean. No offense to Arab guys but many of them mistreat and disrespect good girls, can you imagine how they treat prostitutes. There was an article on prostitution telquel by journalist fadwa massate where she described what Saudis do to the young prostitutes in Morocco. Fadwa disguised herself as prostitutes and penetrated the palace of a very notorious Saudi man. She published what she witnessed. She is probably here on wafin and can correct my informations. She described that Saudi guys love to stick lightened cigarette between those women’s legs.
Sorry Aylana, but what you came up with is not a solution but rather, a bigger problem. Do you know how many new prostitutes Morocco will have once those illiterate girls hear that the government legalized it? Morocco is not Holland. We have more than 50% illiteracy. Moroccan women need education and awareness more than anything else. If they are educated and aware, they will take care of themselves and improve their living. Having said that, I probably don’t need to repeat that I agree that everyone should be aware of the danger of unprotected sex including prostitutes. But I just did.

Aylana answers: You lost me here.
I do not argue, I express my opinions. It does not mean anything that we disagree or that we see things from a different angle.

Precisely because I am aware of the dangers of prostitution I said it should be controlled, or controlled in certain aspects of it if possible. It is a huge problem, we can’t solve it, to have it a little under control will help, I think.

Does it matter if a Moroccan prostitute goes with an Arab men or a Dutch one? You puzzled me there. What do you mean? Is it not the same? Same business or idea? I can’t figure that one out.

Finally, my morality has no place in your post or reply zazette.
But let me tell you, my morality tells me that I should not be quick to judge others for what they do; that I have to get to the root of problems to understand them better, it tells me that it is wrong to judge my Moroccan sisters of selling their bodies (I do not think they sell their souls like you said) just because I do not know their situation or circumstance, it tells me that I should help them if I can but never criticize them or put them down.
I am not the one in a corner in Casablanca with a dude two times my age toothless and smelling bad for just a couple of dirhams that will feed my mother and brothers tomorrow. I am really very lucky, they are not.

I am too, sorry for writing this long.

Thanks for the Henry Ford inspirational quote. I like it, I just do not see it fitting in here.

I know we write for the fun of it, thanks.


zazette : Hey Aylana,

If you have carefully read my previous comments, you will see that we agree on everything except legalizing prostitution.

I do not think you miss details because you think they are not important. You have to catch them first before you evaluate their importance. Seeing details is not a given thing, it is a skill that I am good at (thanks to my profession).

As for Henry Ford’s quote, come on, it is easy to see that it fits in what we re discussing. I have the impression, you read quickly and you do not think about what the other tries to tell you, because you are in rush to express your point of view.It reminds me people who when you are talking to them, instead of listening they think of what they are gonna say.

Back to Henry Ford’s quote. Some people instead of learning a skill, pick a mediocre job to earn money, for instance prostitution. Regardless of how much money they save, prostitutes will never have security and financial independence. It is by getting an education, developing professional skills that they will find security and independence.

I do not write just for the fun of it like you. I was trying to make a point, so please pay attention and do not make me repeat what I already wrote before.

And also, please save that: “there is something called development…” for when you meet one of those chicks in the video. I know what development means.

Take care.
cazawy : Look, I am sick and tired of people linking prostitution in Morocco to poverty, lack of education, hakmat aleeha dourouf, mskina maandha zhar...bla bla blah blah...
Prostitution (the oldest profession in the world...mind you) has been around since who knows when and will continue to exist until who knows when. It has "very little" to do with poverty but more with economics. that's right! Ecomomics. As long as there is demand for a service there will be supply for it and the question becomes at what price! unfortunately (or fortunately depending on from which angle you look at it) there will always be ppl that are willing to pay top dollars (or non-convertible Dirhams) for it! forget Morocco for a second: There are plenty of women here in the US who could easily get a job paying more than $15 USD per hour but they choose to be strippers or call girls...why? you guessed it right my friend: because they make more MONEY!!! see you are catching up quickly...not as dumb as I thought you were...
Now back to Morocco: yes the country is poorer, yes we have corruption, yes we have lmkhaznia, ou lamroud ou lbouliss who look like they could pass out at any given moment because they smoke and drink so much until they cannot see straight... but what we don't have is stricter law against prostitution. Here is an area where for a change It might not be a bad idea to follow Saudi Arabia's laws to regulate this though you will never be able to get rid of it completely b/c it is impossible! If you do that now the question becomes how do you compensate for lost tourists and their income, those who come to Morocco and spend thousands if not Millions because of pretty young little Gucci and Armani hand bag seeking ladies and you are back to my point about economics: yes economics! Money money money...
oh.. regarding the video: I have no comment...
Aylana : 

You seem to be in a rush to win.
I do not think this is a battle ground, but a place to exchange opinions.
You do come a cross to me as a smart person, but one that I differ with in this specific case.
I see you contradicting yourself all the time.

My position is one, just one and always the same, good or bad, just one.Just leave it at that.

I am sorry for not been detail oriented.
No,I do not think we agree at all.

Remember, not only do we have to read carefully, but write carefully as well so readers can get the meaning or what the writer is trying to convey.
No, my job does not involve reading that much, less, writing, I do not claim to do neither of those two well.
My job is all about numbers, money, economy, economics, and how all evolves around it. That is all, you are letters, I am numbers. :):)

So what we do not reapeat ourselves,and before I rest my case,I would like to point out something you said:

“Some people instead of learning a skill, pick a mediocre job to earn money, for instance prostitution”

I am sorry to say zazette, that I am in total disagreement with that. The majority, the same as you an me, like to learn a skill, the problem is not all have the opportunity to do so, they were not lucky enough to born in households like mine and probably yours. The are the unlucky ones.

More, if the had some other jobs to chose from, most of them would not pick prostitution, I am very sure of it.
So I conclude by saying to you: They do not pick prostitution, poverty-destiny-prostitution picks them.

I do not think I would meet the ones in the video like you said, needless to say I would have no problem doing so.

I know some people in Morocco doing an amazing job without any monetary benefit, going to small towns and other areas teaching ladies, married and not married alike that there are ways to protect themselves from having a lot of children and from been abused.
I do encourage them, they have my respect and appreciation. Thank you.

I do write for fun. I am not trying to convince or win no case with my ideas or opinions.

zakaria : oldest profession in the history of man-kind.It exists everywhere on this planet. This trade follows the demand and supply curve.
it's unfortunate but it is what it is.

Dima Raja
zazette : Aylana, I am going to leave you in your battlefield alone my dear. I think there is a lot of misunderstanding on your side. What seems contradiction to you is nothing but your inability of understand. You do not get it. You need me to explain everything to you. As you may know writing well in English does not qualify a person as smart or sharp.

I am also tired of this useless conversation. Believe what you want. I was not trying to make you change your belief anyway but just express my views on the subject. Whether you understand my points or don’t it won’t change the world.


obaid : Wow.
YOU A and Z. Please exchange your e-mails or even your phone numbers so you can spare us your immature back and forth.

As for you wafin team, I am wondering if you have fulfilled your objective so far by the posting of this idiot video?

just a concern wafin team, if you happen to have a political agenda through this forum, please have the courage to explain it cause until I know your ends, your means (this posting) will remain confusing to me.

I categorically refuse to think that your posting is just to spark the discussion for a worthy subject (prostitution or sex education or the like). you didn't lack the audacity while leaving the respect of the readers (altogether) on the side corner.

And next time, if you fail to express any subject for discussion using simple and plain english please get help from around you. often, using videos could be very misleading (that if it is not intended!).

YZ : Hey sword,

Is that all you got…more and more of the same self-indulgent, parochial, and abusive ad hominem? But again, we are what we say.

Let’s get some facts straight. First, Ibn Khaldun was born and bred in Tunisia. If you want to claim him Moroccan because he spent some time in there, you could equally say that he is from Spain, Algeria, and Egypt. Second, Ibn Khaldun alluded to the earth being spherical in his Moquadimma, and that was the 15th century. Here are some facts:

• Describing the Vedic ritual in the Satapatha Brahmana, it recognizes that earth is spherical. This was during the 8th - 7th century BC
• Pythagoras mentioned the same thing in 570 BCE.
• Eratosthenes estimated earth’s circumference within 2% of what we know it to be today. That was around 240 BCE.
• Ptolemy, using spherical trigonometry from Hipparchus defines earth’s latitude, longitude, and the grid used from then on to improve the science of cartography. This was sometime around 150.
• Indian astronomer and mathematician Aryabhata states that earth is spherical with a circumference of 39,968 kms. The modern value is 40,030 kms. He also estimated the rotation of earth to be around 23 hr 56 min 4.1 sec. This was early 6th century.
• Ibn Hazm 11th century, Ibn Al Jawzi 12th century, and Ibn Taymiya 13th-14th century all stated that earth was round
• Then comes Ibn Khaldun in the 15th century.

These are historical facts, but again, we wouldn’t want facts to stand in the way of your specious, contrived, and tawdry post, would we?

As to your “self loathing and pseudo intellectual” comment, I will leave it to stand on its own merit…a non sequitur.

There was a statement I made and I came to regret. Morocco, my dear, is not a tarro dyal zbel. You were right, I was mistaken in my interpretation and I stand corrected. A more thorough analysis will depict current Morocco as a mezbala, une decharge public. The level of disrespect, corruption, vandalism, hypocrisy, egoism, crime, and prostitution is only matched by a crumbling infrastructure, deplorable living conditions, filthy streets, lack of ethics, latent aggression, lack of professionalism, an archaic mentality, and deluded self-aggrandizement.

I love my country but I will not let my emotions distort the harsh and bitter reality of current Morocco. Before we can cure a disease we need a good diagnosis first; otherwise, we are guessing at best and pretending to know at worst…As my mother in law often says: “Tay qwiw el gharba ou hiya fiha hench”

sword : YZ
If you think that an ad hominem argument has been made then you missed the substantive issue. You seem to often do. To be precise, the earth analogy has not been given to test your ability to read or/and regurgerate. Likewise, Ibnkhaldoun was not cited for purpose of annexation to any particular nation, let alone bootstrap it to an argument which has never been made.
My dear brother, simply stated the hsitory of progeress belongs to all Humans.
Your fascination with Pasteur and some other individuals of the European rennaissance seemed to give no credit to contributions made by many other culture and civilizations since recorded history of man. That is all my brother.

The truth is, without any provocation you went on calling a Country Tarou Dzbel; and today Mzbela. That sort of name calling should be beneath an enlighted person should want to pretend to be one.

Of course, I agree with you, there are many problems with Morocco. We can either come together as people, and identify them rationally, work on approach, or at least, attempt,to resolve those problems, or in the alternatives we can take put shots at each other to eternity without ever accomplishing anything.

Anyone that can pay tuition and spare the time can receive a degree from medical school, law school or what not, in this country. So no one is impressed by big words here. It takes a special kind of person to rise above their self arrogance and identify with his roots. If you really love your country and its people and if you really believe that you were increased in knowledge above all you would be humble and you would not use the crass language willfully and without any jsutification.

In the final analysis, ride your tide as high as it takes you; I am not prodding you to adhere to orthdox patriotism or convert you to a zealous nationalist. I simply was disappointed and still am that a well read person can actually run out of vocabulary and resorts to the crassiest vulnacular in our darija to describe his own country. From ad hominem to Tarrou dzbel and mezbela, that is a big leap and I hope you would be taking it alone heads down.
I really was hoping you would leave it at that, but you you were determined to come back and try to dazzle us with big words and readily available knowledge.

I, my brother, mentioned you in a previous post in as innocuous manner as could. It was not my intent to be parochial or self indulging at all.

I respectfull decline your dual call, and I would rather let you call me anything you wish than dull my edge on frivolous, idle, and fruitless endeavors.

You have a pleasant day, or what is left of it. Thank you for sharing. I hope you did not construe any insults in my posts today and hope that this would be the end of it.
Thank you for sharing kindly and with great love.

theviafamily : oh my godddddddddddddd this subject attracted so many for and against readers... I just love it, what's the bloody deal if we go above our hypocricy, face the issue and talk about it publicly. I mean come on, prostitution exists in Morocco and please don't tell me because of poverty...yah maybe 40% doing it for the money but others are indeed enjoying it for a reason or another. Bottom line, this is a very educative video and we should applaud the hijab lady whose teaching the prostitutes the use of condoms in a very scientific way. Our issue is not because she is wearing hijab, our issue is that we want to do everything behind curtains. Gone those days, lets face the harsh truth and learn from our mistakes. No more taboos...chapeau for wafin team
justsam : Great job Wafin!
No one likes how prostitution has gotten outta hand in Morocco, especially among teens. I fear it's not going away anytime soon, so anything to minimize the damages is more than welcome.

Let' have more of these discussions no matter what side you are on. Just remember Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace!

whisper : A Country that has people full of hate for each other will never see the light. No sense of dignity, no sense of respect for each other, All what we do is look down and hate. Maturity is in the act. Education is carried through decent discussions. We need to grow up, some think that going to school or having a degree could change someone's behavior, it normally should, but with most Moroccans, no such has been done unfortunately. learning is one thing and practicing is another. Showing off is one of the weakest aspect in our People. They love and enjoy to show off even if it's the wrong deed. The referenced phenomenon has gotten out of hand in all Arab Muslim Countries and with high percentage than Morocco, but because they're so protective of their own, we don't know of it. Us, Moroccans we brag of any type of doing, let's not forget that there Male our Country and Arab Countries too. As much open and cool and Americanized everyone wanna be. Sit back and remember how joyful paying respect to your parents, family and routes can be. Would you sit and watch this video with you parents? would you want your kid roaming on Wafin's site and reading and watching such.................If most of you pretending not to mind this video, if most of you enjoying being Mike and Andria during the day......... it will come a time or the end of the day where you will lay your head down and have Mohammed and khadija back to reality thinking what if..........and what did i do?................ and where do i come from?................and where am i heading??????????????
jolnar12 : to adam: were you realy serious when you said you don t live in morocco anymore?? because u should be achaimed of ur self..after all ur always going to be a (moroccan american) and never (american moroccan). me and my friends as moroccan would like nothing to do with u mister achaimed of being moroccan. we can never dinied that prostitution exist not only in morocco but world wide and that s the reality either u like it or not. so based on that we can not stop prostitutes from prostituting.. and evatually we re gonna have to teach them how they re going to protect them selves. i realy congratulate this lady for the job that she s doing, it s very hard step to take specialy in morocco. and im so glad that finaly moroccan peopl admit the fact that prostitution have been existing for years.GOOD JOB TO MILOUDA i m soo proud and i m sorry that u have to deal with it. allah ye3awenak.
zazette: i totaly agree with u.
wafine: i m dispointed in wafin s team that they posted that video. that woman doesnt deserve all that.
freddie mercury : Reading all these posts, I realize one sad thing. Most of you may be living in the United States and even have a certain level of education but most of you have not managed to clean your mentalities and get rid of certain aspects of our hypocritical culture. Judging from the way most of you reacted to this video, I see you have not benefited from living in a civilized nation, you're here to save a buck or two and have no interest in evolving like most human beings are supposed to.

BRAVO to this woman and a thousand bravos. At least we have some brave women left in our country, I wish I could meet her and thank her for her actions. At least she is not a hypocrite like most of you are, she believes in STD prevention and she is helping with the cause and not afraid of the consequences. Morocco is conservative only in words but deeds tell a whole different story. Get a life , don't you realize her work is important and saves lives??. UNBELIEEEEVABLE.
Adam2007 : To jolnar12:
Yes, iam glad i do not live in a country that has no law, no respect, no rules and no fear of Allah. A very corrupeted country, the more money you have, the more your word will be considered. Miss Sanaa, you should be ashamed of yourself for congratulating Milouda or whoever is trying to educate prostutes how to protect themselves while they are doing their dirty jobs. is that what you are capable of saying. Educating anyone to protect himself is indirectly encouraging them to do it and legalize it. are not ashame of yourself Missy. people should get together and ban it from an islamic country. they should educate people that whoever try, big penalties are waiting for him/her. Morocco is country # 1 known of cheap prostitutes and easy access to young pretty ladies. do not tell me the crap of poverty. All the Arab world have problems but guess what they have pride and degnity while our women do not. look at some moroccan women abroad,( Europe and USA) they are poor there too? that is why they are prostitutes in France, USA... Please give me a break because this topic makes my blood boils. Prostitution should not be a job, should not be legalised, should be banned and big fines to whoever practice it. You are telling Milouda Allah ?3awnek. U want Allah to help her in teaching them, where is this written in which of his books that he will help teaching prostitues ( bible, Torah or koran), yea he will help her his own way. May Allah forgive you and show you the right path. Please do not be Americanized because you are moroccan first. By the way iam not Mr, Iam Mrs.
sueRabat : I think They should Educate the Moroccan men who seek, pimp, train and use prostitutes. Where is the male figure in the family, who is nothing but an egg donor. These Males should be educated and frankly, as a woman am sick and tired of this whole topic of the women prostitutes or loose moroccan woman, bla bla bla, where are the men in the equation?????? I would like to emforce a strict Islamic Shariaa Law in Morocco, on MEN & Women so all the hypocrites straighten their acts. Then again, who am I kidding, Morocco is Ruled by men, who still think, a plate is more valuable than their own mother's housework.

By the way, I tell the MALES who use prostitutes they are not "MEN", they are little coward males. They should know that their own moms and sisters need supervision, while they are buzy with a prostitutes.
K_Bennani : 70% of single Moroccan men are sexually active and that's an official statistic, the MAJORITY of whom are with prostitutes (surprising heh, don't be) (let's not forget the married ones), that works out to be 7 out of 10 Wafin members. All I read are people condoning prostitution but noone would dare to come forward and claim to be in the business as a buyer or seller. If you haven't been with one, then your son, brother, father, or your nephew has. Morocco is a top sex destination that rivals Thailand, Brazil, the Czech Republic, and the Philippines. Moroccans don't love their country that much that millions of them come home every year just to smell the air and visit family and neither are the Europeans or the Saudis. Moroccan women have taken over the meat business in Dubai by the 10s of thousands that rotate every year with visas issued by governments and with the approval of our government. Moroccan girls have invaded Syria, Lebanon, Bahrain, even Thailand and the Philippines. For those who talked about laws and enforcement and street prostitution: I say what century do you live in? Prostitution in Morocco operates in 5 star hotels, restaurants, coffee shops, nightclubs and cabarets. Today's Moroccan prostitutes range between the ages of 14 and the 30s, attractive, and independent, many of whom own more property than you and I and Bouchaaib combined and pull up in their own SUVs, live with their parents, speak 3 languages, and have college degrees (Marrakech is a prime example). I feel under-educated speaking to these prostitutes. On the other hand, a large number of these prostitutes were pushed to the trade due to the harsh circumstances of life. Coming to this world as an orphan with no family, not even a primary school education, no jobs, no government that cares. What do you want them to do? Rob a bank. I wouldn't wish their lifestyle on my worst enemy and I'm talking about the ones who do it to survive. We sit here in our little homes criticizing and throwing punches. This is what a lot of good Moroccans are doing these days: Find an orphan in Morocco, sponsor their education for the next 20 years and multiply that by millions of successful Moroccans and immigrants who, at this point, have done absolutely nothing for Morocco but amass wealth and whine about Morocco. You may just save another 4 year old from the meat business 10 years down the road.
Let's not be naive and ask the government for help, prostitution is a big factor behind the tourism revenues and it is fully endorsed by the government, the king, and the prince who physically approves the opening of these so called brothels by the 100s (cabarets). Hell he happens to be a customer just like myself and the other 70% I mentioned earlier. Prostitution is a way of life in Morocco, from the palaces of our noble kings to the slums of our great cities. Morocco is not Saudi Arabia where the average man gets married at the age of 21, this is Morocco where the average marriage age for men is in the 30s and 40s. I guess they must be getting it somewhere.

When the royalties from the Gulf show up in Morocco in our royal palaces, who do you think gives them the time of their lives, my sister? The Interior Ministry and the Police mafias bring anything and everything and I mean anything and everything.

All in all, let's not forget that these girls are humans after all, not zombies. They used to be 3 and 4 at one point and had dreams like you and I, and many of them would have wanted what you and I have, just a decent life. Not many dreamed about spreading their legs li koulli man habba wa dabb. A 16 yo with a 40 yo isn't a normal girl's definition of a healthy relationship.

For those who oppose the video and the initiative in general, don't forget that 70% of the men in your family are customers of these girls who may or may not use protection. Most don't. You can either prevent or you can live in denial, your choice. Your 16 yo WILL have sex with a prostitute with or without your denial, some with one, some with hundreds, some for a period of time, and some for a lifetime. No God, no religion, no values, and definitely not your fabulous upbringing will matter. You can save a life or you can see one come to an end. Again, your choice.

I hold King H, M6, and the royal family for the miserable lives of these young girls. I hold King Hassan II, for his every child left behind strategy, personally accountable. Keeping illiteracy rates high was his only passport to holding on to power, and guess what, it worked. I wonder if it was all worth it.
nourania : I am shocked to see that absolutely disturbing image! of this hijabi sister..
Wafin should have warned of the footage before viewing..
with that is not Wafin's fault for posting is for awareness..the sister who did this should be embarassed..there must have been a better way of demonstration..
Allahu Alam that her intentions were in the right place..but it was just way too vulgar for me..
rabati30 : la 7awla wa la kowata illa billah . may the anger of Allah swt be slammed on the makers,posters and artists of this video.normalizing the 7aram and making this is what we end up with. at least take off that hijab if you are going to demonstrate such a vulgar demonstration even for demostration and awareness purposes. 3alamato assa3a. la 7awla wa la kowwata illah billah.
sueRabat : rabati30, ameeeeeeeeeeen, insha allah it is. By the way, if Moroccans do not know yet why the misery is spreading, it is because of their sinful ways. Continue your deviance and defiance of Allah swt, you will just keep on getting Allah's wrath. Nothing goes unpunished or unrewarded in dunia and akhirah. Al hamdulilah, we are not part of this type of people, so long Moroccans deviants, crooked and corrupt people.

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