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The Swiss ban Minarets

By The Wafin Team
css/css/images/star.ico Swiss voters have supported a ban on Minarets in Switzerland. The vote has caused an outrage among the muslim community in Switzerland and all over the world. It is being likened to the crusade against the veil in France. Read the full BBC article here  and let us know what you think.

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sueRabat : Salamu Aleycum & Eid Mubarak,

WE have been watching Dr Ramadan, who is a Swiss Born Egyptian Muslim, fighting for the right of Muslims in Europe.

Surely, there is Islamophobia, intolerance in all of Europe. Islam & Judaism are both disliked in Europe. I remember hateful slogans against Muslims, Jews and Arabs in Italy, France, Belgium & Spain. So I am not a bit surprised that Minarets would be banned.
The only problem switzerland has is that it is a secular government, It will have to allow freedom of religion, hence allowing minarets. Humans rights orgs & Amnesty international already criticized the referendum, and I believe the Supreme court will reverse it.

I encourage all muslims to keep fighting for their right to worship in peace. We do not have to be kept invisible. We should have the same rights as churches, which own tax exempt real Estate worth billions of $$$$, radio & TV stations which interfere in Political & World affairs, supported by taxpayers, getting Governmental Grants, etc ....
These are dark days for Muslims, we know from different forums what the general sentiment in the non Muslim world. 1000 of mosques are being destroyed in the phillipines, Russia, China & India especially. So, all we should do is ask for the right to worship.
Let the so called FREE WORLD, live up to its claim, of free WORLD.

newguy : the Swiss constitution and the universal human rights guarantee the freedom of BELIEF and PRACTICE OF BELIEF not the construction of minarets! Muslims are free to believe and practice their religion and gives them the dignity and opportunity that Islam itself doesn't.

sueRabat : Salanu Aleycum,

After doing some reading on the Swiss Constitution, I discovered that the Supreme Court in Switzerland cannot reverse the result of a referendum. Only the Parliament can reverse such outcome.
This means the referendum regardgin the Minarets sticks. I believe that would be the toughest to hope for. I doubt the Muslim community has enough voting power to influence the parliament.

Minarets should not change the Muslims' ability to worship. I am more concerned about Mosques being detroyed in the Phillipines, Turkmenistan & in India. Another mosque is scheduled to be destroyed yet in the phillipines this month to make way for a Casino and Expensive condos.

This is just another attack on Muslims, La ilaha illa Allah, we had 1089 mosques detroyed in Bosnia, over 1000 mosques destroyed in Phillipines and dozens destroyed in Turkmenistan in the last 15 years alone. Probably, we should start paying more attention to what's more important.
2 December, 2009
sidibe : I’ll just shut up and let Allah Ta3alah do the talking…

85:8 And they ill-treated them for no other reason than that they believed in Allah, Exalted in Power, Worthy of all Praise!---- 61:8 Their intention is to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: But Allah will complete (the revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelievers may detest (it)----2:114 And who is more unjust than he who forbids that in places for the worship of Allah, Allah's name should be celebrated?-whose zeal is (in fact) to ruin them? It was not fitting that such should themselves enter them except in fear. For them there is nothing but disgrace in this world, and in the world to come, an exceeding torment
18:28 And keep thy soul content with those who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking His Face; and let not thine eyes pass beyond them, seeking the pomp and glitter of this Life; no obey any whose heart We have permitted to neglect the remembrance of Us, one who follows his own desires, whose case has gone beyond all bounds.----3:200 O ye who believe! Persevere in patience and constancy; vie in such perseverance; strengthen each other; and fear Allah. that ye may prosper. SADAQA ALLAH L3ADIM
suerabat : newguy: I am sorry I have to tell you that you do not know Islam. I doubt you ' ve ever studied this religion, for you to say that the Swiss Constitution gives the citizens in Switzerland more dignity than Islam does. I doubt you lived in Switzerland.
Women did not gain the right to vote in federal elections in switzerland until 1971. Islam had given women full rights 1400 yrs ago. What can I say, The proverbe was so right when it stated "I argued with a scholar & I won the argument, but when I argued with an ignorant man, he won the Argument.
December 3rd., 2009
suerabat : From Charlemagne's notebook, He wrote on the Economist:

"the constitutional amendment voted through this weekend is almost certainly incompatible with Swiss commitments under the European Convention on Human Rights. Indeed, there are predictions that the minaret ban will be struck down as soon as someone, perhaps the Swiss Green party, challenges the referendum result and takes it to the European Human Rights court in Strasbourg. On that basis, I read, the Swiss government could have simply refused to accept the proposal for a referendum on minarets."


sueRabat : Salamu Aleycum,

I forgot to mention last time here, far from the issue with Minarets & Religious practices, not only Muslims but also jews have to deal with years of fighting EU & Many countries, localities, interest Groups in Europe who are trying to ban Halal & Kosher slaughter.
Both Jews & Muslims are fighting hard to keep EU from banning Halal & kosher Slaughter, & imports of Slaughtered Meat.

Kosher & Halal Slaughter was proven scientifically to be the quikest way an animal dies, but it also was proven to be the healthiest meat for consumers.

"In 1893, Switzerland banned the practice of shechitah, the kosher way of slaughtering animals, citing cruelty because the animals are not stunned first. Although the government opposed the measure, a group called the Anti-Semite Committee gathered more than 83,000 signatures to bring it to a referendum"

Will they try to ban Muslim & Jewish cemeteries? Jewish Kashrut & Muslim Halal Food? What is next? banning Prayers? they already banned hijab in many places.

Read Below & Tell me what you think

It is not About Architecture or Cultural values, It's a Cultue of Xenophobia, arrogant racist manipulative power hungry people who capitalize on others' weaknesses to reach their goals.

diouri : You might want to talk to Christian Copts in Egypt who have been fighting for years to build a mosque in Cairo. Again, we are talking about a religion that was in Egypt long before Islam and yet, Copts are being marginalized by Muslims and prevented from worshiping by their own government. To all those Wafiners who are outraged about the Swiss decision, how do you feel about new churches in Morocco? After all, there are Christians in Morocco that would rather worship in a church than in hiding as most of them currently do. Now we are talking about a religion, Islam that claims to recognize and respect the other two major religions, and a religion of tolerance and peace. Until Muslims start practicing what they preach, no Muslim should have the right to criticize a country like Switzerland whose people are simply trying to control to preserve the beauty of their cities by controlling the spread of minarets. More importantly however, no Muslim should have to suffer in a Christian Western democracy. There is a wealthy, friendly, modern Muslim country that would welcome all of them, provide their women with equal rights, never torture their men and allow them to build as many mosques as they wish:. That country is Saudia Arabia.
ahmed in la : The Beatles catalog, is worth about $1 billion, that is what Michael Jackson s estate would get for it,
if it were up for sale, not mentioning the continuous earnings, year after year. Compare it to the cash
cow, rising in value, year after year, as its regular milking is brings continuous ka-ching!
Beatles were top artists of the 90s selling 30.000.000 albums and John Lennon s earning, out of Cirque de Soleil licensing alone, earned $40.000.000 in 2008 alone!
John Lennon, most credited with the success of the Beatles, wrote the following which sometime makes me wonder!
Divide the earnings by the number of words to find out how much each word is worth!
If I weren t a believer, I would have taught his philosophy.

John Lennon

Imagine there s no Heaven
It s easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there s no countries
It isn t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I m a dreamer
But I m not the only one
I hope someday you ll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I m a dreamer
But I m not the only one
I hope someday you ll join us
And the world will live as one
sueRabat : DIOURI : you are a LIAR. LIAR LIAR LIAR. here is a link that proves has many Coptic churches.(( ))) Also Morocco has many churches & sinagogues. The truth DIOURI is that you want at any price to attack Islam and Muslims, even if you have to LIE about it. Frankly, DIOURI, you have a lost case, defending Coptics, who lie just like you about Islam, the reason is their own are converting to ISLAM becasue they found the TRUTH in Islam. It is killing Zakaria Boutros the biggot priest they have there. So you and Boutros of Egypt, will not lie to us, we are too smart for you. Find some empty hollow head to believe your lies, LIAR
sueRabat : Ahmed in LA. What does your posting have to do with the Article here? looooooooool. It must be a mistake
ahmed in la : SueRabat,

Imagine there s no countries (Swiss voters..)
It isn t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for (..the crusade..)
And no religion too ( ..muslim community..)
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace (..caused an outrage..)

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