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Tarik Ramadan vs Zemmour & Naulleau on the issue of wearing the Veil

By The Wafin Team
images/css/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-media.js If you have been following the issue of wearing the veil unraveling all over the French media, this is a good discussion by Tarik Ramadan. The video is in French. Let us know what you think.. 

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Wafine13 : Mr Ramadan,
Je vous salut enormement pour avoir debatre d'une maniere intelligente, concrete et d'avoir montrer aux monde en general et la France en partuculier que le problem est n'est pas le faite que les femmes musulmanes portent les voiles, mais plutot le probleme c'est le racism qui existe en France...
Job well done!!!!!!!!!

nadiacal : salam,

Tariq ramadan is amazing i love the way who he explains islam and the way how he see thing I'm talking about the veil, the only thing is that some of the girl wear the veil and don't respect it, like putting make up, tight jeans, I think that before wearing hijab they have to understand why to wear it, I use to have a roomate in Brooklyn who was "wearing it in her why" but when I wear something short a skirt or short whatever she was explaining to me what should I waer but she was dating somebody who spend the night her and he was married, so i think that everyone try to show a face that he's perfect, so start like this is haram and this is halal when it works in his way
suerabat : Salame All,
Wonderful intellectual Tariq Ramadan. You should see his debate "Tariq ramadan vs De Villiers"on youtube. Ramadan truly brought to light religious rights in Europe. Ramadan, thank you.
rabati30 : Ca me rend fiere en tant que musulman D'abords et en suite en tant que Marocain. merci Mr Ramadan. si seulement tous les Marocains etaient aussi brillant comme toi.
sueRabat : The issue is not about the Hijab. It is about being a Muslim in Europe. May allah guide us all to the right path and appreciate Islam.
Nov 22, 2009
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