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Police Provocation in Muslim Neighborhood in France

By The Wafin Team.
js/fancybox/lib/fancybox/source/helpers/jquery.fancybox-media.js This video captured by a North African journalist shows an over reaction by member of French Police in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood. We are not sure about the context of this, but watch the video and let us know what you think. 

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jayborji : This was one of the best videos i have seen in a long time. i wish i knew how get in touch with the journalist that shot the video to congratulate him on a job well done, that's what i call real ragged in your face smack down journalism.
firebird : May be the Hudlums that roam the banlieu deserved it, we all know that they rob their own neighboors, sell dope to the kids and harass the hard working folks.

elmajed : Thank you Wafin Team for posting this video, it really shows how provocative a few people with uniforms, badges and guns can do to a certain part of the population. I like the scene when the Journalist said to those Police officers (Thugs in my opinion), why don't you go and try this in the center of the city where the so-called upper-class (Privileged) live. Then the police officers start to ask him to stop filming. Where is the so-called Freedom of the Press that the West always criticizes the 3rd World countries for lack of it? It's amazing to witness such a double standards in a democracy such France is today. I liked the scene when the Journalist replied that he is just doing his job and doing it well, and asked the police officers to do their job to, which is to protect and serve and not to create a War-Atmosphere like.
I'm wondering why can't we see this kind of video in our Satellite Channels (2M and Almaghribia for example).
That was a very powerful video and they say a picture speak a 1000 words.

Thank you Wafin.


safyorker : I wouldn't call this journalism, if it is then it is a piss poor quality journalism. First of all you get no clue what is going on, what are they shooting at, who is involved? etc... If there is any kind of provocation, I think it is on the part of the "journalist" himself. To me it seems like he is interfering with law enforcement, setting himself in the line of fire, making statements. If he is a journalist , he has no business addressing he police. Whatever he thinks he was doing, is extremely counterproductive and is severely biased. This is a joke.
bahrini : This is brave on the part of the so claiming to be journalist.
However, I have no idea why "les flics" were shooting nor at what/who. The "journalist?" was way out of line, and I doubt he is a journalist to be frank. He failed to show a press id when asked, and was extremely subjective. Whereas, a journalist must always be objective.

sueRabat : Salame all,

Thank you wafin and the journalist for this video. One most important thing that our families and fellow Moroccans must witness and understand, is what some of our immigrants in Europe have to deal with, racism. The video is very clearly portraying the random shooting in a neighborhood of immigrants.

We have been the Milking COW for so long, and even envied by so many of our compatriots when we go back home.

It is time that Moroccans speak out against racism and provide all videos, and accounts about discrimination and police brutalities they endurr.

It is especially important that the youth still in Morocco see this, and grasp the realities of Immigrating to Europe especially.

I wish more Moroccans in the USA, Australia and Canada would help their fellow Moroccans join them for a better future, instead of going to Europe.

I only blame the countries these immigrants left. If they had a tiny bit of dignity in their country, they would not have left.

Salamu aleycom
dozix2000 : It would have been fair to show the entire story ... and what really invited the Police in the 1st place. Lets face it, they did not just came and started shooting as the cameraman seem to suggest.
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