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The United Nations Development program Prize won by a Moroccan

By The Wafin Team.
images/fancybox/lib/css/fancybox/source/jquery.fancybox.js Faiza Hajji won the photography contest when she pictured her efforts to turn waste plastic hand bags into woven bags. Watch the cnn coverage here.

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sueRabat : Salamu Aleycum & Eid Mubarak

Congratulation Ms Faiza Hajji. Wonderful work, I am proud of you. Moroccans should stop littering.

May be someone could import these baskets and sell them to walmart in the USA. They surely would make a good income for these women. Thank you Ms Hajji, I appreciate it.

ahmed in la : 
Man!Moroccan women rule.
I'm so proud of Faiza and many other Moroccan women who had proven their intelligence, awareness, intellect, vision and initiative.
Aicha Echchana, Nawal El-Moutawakkil, the ladies in government positions in Europe, my very friend Laila Lalami and many others, have undermined the stereotype of Middle Eastern women as being mere servants to their husbands or male family members.
We, Moroccan men, are, ourselves, viewed by our countrywomen as dominant and chauvinistic individuals, lacking sensitivity, respect or consideration. In some cases, it could be true, as we have inherited bedouin genes, but we are far from being indifferent to our sisters' needs and feelings.
I'm so proud of you Faiza and I hope that many other inspiring Moroccans, male and female, will have an opportunity to prove their worth one day.
Happy holidays to all.
am117 : Wonderful idea. Very inspiring...keep up the good work and best of luck. I only wish you could market this in the U.S, I am sure there are lots of buyers out there that care about the environment.

loubera : It seems that inside your inner self, you share this stereotypical vision about women. This what your comment connote, more than it denote the celebration of Faiza’s remarkable achievement. Weak up brother!! MOROCCAN WOMAN DOES NOT HAVE TO BE LIKE NAWAL ALMUTAWAKKIL OR ASHANNA TO PROVE HER INTELLEGENCE. If any one has to prove something it has to be you proving respect for women without masking it with fake celebration tainted by little jealousy.

Congratulations Faiza. Keep up the good work.
sueRabat : Salame All,

We owe so much to all the women of Morocco/North Africa, be they got an International Prize or not, but we should absolutely be grateful to them all, mothers & grand mothers, teachers, nurses & maids, Kessala, midwives (Qablah)Surgeons, Pilotes, & so many who lived an invisible life and never were compensated for their efforts or at best not compensated enough.

History of powerful and great women in Morocco goes as far back as Kahina (Damiya) who lest Imazighen Armies against Hassane ibn Nu'aman,
Fatima Al FIhrya who build the oldest university in the World, Al qarawiyin,
her sister Meryem oum AL Banine who built the second University in the world, Jami'a Al Andalus.
Zaynab, The wife of Yussuf Ibn Tashfine who realaized a dream of making Marakesh the Capital city of the Dynasty, .....
Aisha Quandish, the amazigh beauty who fought in Mazagan the portuguese occupation.
Tsippi GabbaiFirst Moroccan woman Rabbi in the jewish history.
Izza Genini, First moroccan woman to realise a documentary film
Laïla Rouass,First Moroccan TV anchor
NAwal AL mutawakil, Olympics Gold Medalist & president of the International Olympic Committee's evaluation commission for the selection of the town which will hold the Olympic games of 2012.
Meryem Chadid,First Femal Astronomer to set foot on the Antarctic.
Sanaa Hamri, the first Moroccan woman to direct a Hollywood movie
Mme Zineb Yahya Jammeh, First Lady of Gambia

So again, thanks to Ms Hajji and all our great women, all of them who pariticpated in rasing wonderful people in & for Morocco.
The article here is About the environment in Morocco ( mika kehla) & great work of Ms Hajji. It is not about men or women of Morocco, it is about the health, survival & Well being of a whole nation.
The US Prize is to shed light on the situation with the environment and habitat of the Moroccan. Men or Women, we are all in it together, thus we are not to compete with or envy one another. We are to complement each other.

I Appreciate & Thank all the men & women, leaders & Followers in Morocco. What matters is what we all can build.

December 5th. 2009

ahmed in la : sueRabat,
You have my vote.
nadiacal : salam,

One more time, I agree with you Suerabat and I think it's a wonderfull idea Ms.Hajji,
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